The barista part 9

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Jughead POV
I came out of the shower, and saw Betty looking at me. I smiled at her, and sat down next to her on the couch. We watched a movie for a bit, while she was cuddled up in my side. After the movie, she stood up, and said. B-" I'm going to bed, i'm tired. If you need anything just wake me up." J-" alright, goodnight Betts." B-" goodnight Jug."  She said, and walked into her bedroom. I went to the kitchen to grab something to drink, and then got ready for bed.

The next morning
Still Jughead POV
I woke up around 8, and went to the kitchen to see Betty making breakfast. J-" morning Betty." B-" hey goodmorning, i didn't know you were already awake." J-" i just woke up, what are you making?" B-" i'm making pancakes, i hop you like them." J-" yeah, i love them." I said, and smiled at her. B-" i have work at 12, so i don't know if you wanna come with me, to drink your usual?" J-" i would love too." B-" i need to settle in a new girl, so i won't be able to talk to you." J-" that's fine, if you can make my coffee." I said and winked at her. B-" yes i can and i will." J-" great." I smiled at her, and sat down at the kitchen counter, betty giving me a plate with pancakes.

Betty POV
After breakfast, Jug and i got ready to leave. He drove me to work, and i went in from the back, and got ready to work. As jughead sat there, i already made is usual, and gave it to him. B-" there you have your coffee Jug." J-" well, thank you Betts." I smiled at him, and went back behind the counter to see the new girl waiting for me. B-" hi, i'm Betty Cooper." S-" hi, i'm Sabrina Mendes." B-" welcome here at the coffee shop." S-" thanks." Alright the first thing you do, is ask the person in front of the counter what they want to order." B-" good afternoon, what can i get you? Is what i usually ask." C-" hi, could i get an iced chai latte?" B-" yes of course, i'l be right back at you." I said to the costumer, and then said. B-" and then you just make their order, not that hard." I said to her, and she made the iced chai latte with my help. B-" and then just go to the costumer, and give it to him, and say, enjoy your drink, and smile." I said to her, and she did as i said. S-" who's that handsome guy over there?" She said as she pointed to Jughead. B-" oh that's a friend of mine." S-" just a friend? What's his name?" B-" uhm his name is Jughead." S-" are you two just friends, or more?" B-" just friends, why?" S-" then i think i'm gonna ask him on a date." B-" oh uhm oke, go ahead." i said, kinda hurt, but i pretended everything was fine. She walked over to Jug, and i heard her say. S-" hi, i'm Sabrina, i'm new here, and saw you sitting here and thought you were really handsome." J-" oh uhm thnx." S-" do you maybe wanna go on a date with me, just to get to know each other better." J-" uhm yeah sure, i think." Jug answered, and my heart broke. " i thought he liked me." I said in my head, and just continued my work, and when Sabrina had questions, i just answered them nicely.

After work
Jughead POV
After betty was done with work, i drove her home. The whole car ride she was silent, and looked sad. When i got to her house, i asked. J-" betts, are you oke?" B-" i'm fine." She said, and got out of the car walking inside. I got out of the car too, and tried to open the door to her apartment, but she had locked it. I knocked on the door, hoping she would open it, but no use. J-" Betty, please open the door." I said trough the door, while still knocking. B-" why?" J-" cause i wanna know what's wrong with you." B-" there is nothing Jughead, just leave me alone." J-" alright, i'll give you your space." I said, and walked away, getting back in my car, driving to my house. When i got home, i saw i had a message from Sabrina.
On text
S-" hey Jughead, i wanted to know if you wanted to go on that date tomorrow, around lunch? I don't have work, so i thought why not ask you."
J-" oh hi, sure i'm free. Where do you wanna go?"
S-"how about the coffee shop? I heard you come there everyday."
J-" true, Betty makes my coffee really good."
S-" i saw. But i'll see you at 12 at the coffee shop. Bye Jug."
J-" bye Sabrina."
Off text
I placed my phone down on the coffee table, and sigh my dad looking at me, and asking what's wrong. J-" betty isn't talking to me and i don't know why." Fp-" just give her her space." J-" i will dad, but it's just hard, she feels like my best friend, and she helped me find mom."

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