FOUR - Fool's Gold

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Harry: Answer it. You have to. He hasn’t called in a week, and you know he needs you. No matter what sort of falling out you think you had before he left, you have to answer his call. “Hello?” You answer, as if you didn’t know who was calling. “You were right.” You let his opening words fill you. You had been waiting so long for him to finally realize what he was doing to himself. “Talk to me,” you request of him, immediately setting aside the anger you had felt for him all week. “We had another fight, and she left. But this time for good. I told her to get out.” You close your eyes and send up a silent ‘thank you’ as a weight is lifted from your shoulders. “When was this?” “Yesterday. Her brother and some of his friends came by today and packed up her things.” “So she’s gone for good?” You weren’t believing this. “Yeah, she isn’t coming back.” Those words. You have been waiting so long to hear those words. “How are you doing?” You ask, knowing this situation was not centered around you. “I’m going to make it. It’s hard when something blows up in your face that you’ve been working so hard to protect. But sometimes that’s just how life goes, I guess.” You weren’t sure that’s how you would describe the situation, but as long as he wasn’t in a deep depression, that’s all that matters. “Can I ask you something?” You say, breaking the silence that had fallen between the two of you. “Yeah.” He was sure he knew what was coming. “What finally made you realize it? Realize what she was doing to you.” He sighs deeply, and you know he doesn’t want to answer. “I don’t know. I guess I just kept remembering in the back of my mind what last week was like with you. How peaceful it was, and how enjoyable it was to be around someone that wasn’t always craving drama and attention.” “But you’ve been around me so many more times before then,” you remind him. “I was just distracted then. I hadn’t had proper time to clear my head like I did last week.” “But you went back to her.” He sighs again, knowing you were trying to make sense of his decisions. “Again, I was distracted. Even up until then. She made me want to come home. She made me want to see if I could fix things. That’s how it’s always been. I know it sounds stupid, but I just got lost in her. I don’t have any other way of explaining it.” You were starting to piece things together now. In his completely one sided relationship, he was feeling the emotions for her in addition to himself, and he had his blinders on to everyone else. She made him love her so hard that he lost himself. She had definitely distracted him, and he had fallen for her every move. You weren’t sure how she had done it though. He has always been a very good judge of character. And yet, he let all of this happen. It was on him. He knew it was on him. “I get it,” you say softly. You had questioned his entire relationship up until this point, but you understand now. Harry has always been one to go above and beyond what is required of him in every situation. His relationships are no exception. He doesn’t see the negative, that’s just not the kind of person he is. In this relationship, Harry focused on everything he loved about this girl and never stopped. No matter what was looming over him in the way of bad press, or another cheating scandal, he kept it out; only focusing on the good, like he did with everyone. You feel so ridiculous right now. It was so easy to see. If you could have just seen the situation from his perspective, you wouldn’t have constantly been so angry with him. “You get it?” You had surprised him with your statement. “Yeah, and I’m sorry I was such a bitch to you all of the time over it. You were just being you, and I see that now. I’m so sorry I was so critical.” You had no idea what else to do other than apologize. “No, no. You don’t need to say sorry. I should have listened to you. Maybe I would have gotten out sooner.” “It’s not even that. I shouldn’t have ever been saying those things. I should have trusted you. You and I have known each other for what, four years now? I should know you better than that. I do know you better than that. I should have-“ “Please don’t beat yourself up about this. It’s over and that’s all that matters.” He’s right, it was over. It’s time to leave it alone. “You’re right. Discussion officially closed.”

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