Midnight Memories - Little White Lies

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Harry: Great, she's pissed. You can't even remember the last time you talked to her, and now she's pissed. "Why didn't you stay here?" She asks, this had been her question of the night. You've been trying to get around answering it because you hate lying to her. You have to answer it this time, she's asked four times now. "I just didn't want to get in between you and Sydney." Good, that's believable. There's nothing from her on the other line, and you know she's thinking about your answer. You can read her like a book, even when she isn't in front of you. "You know that's a ridiculous reason," she counters, but her tone isn't as harsh as it had started out. "Yeah, but you know me," you return and she sighs, a sign that you're free. "I'm sorry," you add, knowing that will help your cause even more. "It's alright." You know it isn't. "I just wish you would have told me, you know?" "Yeah, and I'm sorry. I knew you wouldn't think it was a very good reason and then hate me even more." "Harry, I could never hate you, and you know that," she explains and you smile. You love this girl. Through to infinity, you love her. "Yeah, I suppose I do." You can sense her smile, and you wonder how long it has been since one has been across her face. You wish you could see it. Thinking about her smile is the only way you've been making it through the day lately. "You've been enjoying home, I assume," she says, and you can't help but chuckle slightly at her desire to continue conversation. "We'll technically I'm not home, but yeah, it's been nice to be around people that sound like me." She laughs at your stupid humor, and you can't help but close your eyes and take the sound in. You miss absolutely everything about her. Surely she knows that. That's why she's dragging on this conversation. She's driving you crazy, and in the best possible way. You wish you could see her right now. You wish she was the one staying with you on the road. The door to the bus opens and you cross your fingers it's a member of your team. No such luck. "Hey, listen, I've got to get to soundcheck. I'll talk to you later," you say, hoping you are able to keep to your word. "Alright, have an awesome show," she responds, and your heart begins to skip around at the gentleness of her voice. "Thanks, have a great day." You end the call and erase it from your log before sitting your phone down. You hope she doesn't check the time, because it is nowhere near time for you to be in soundcheck. "Who was that?" The blond in front of you inquires as she straddles your legs and sits in your lap. "Just a friend from home," you tell her. There was absolutely no way you were going to tell her the truth. She didn't even want you staying over in LA, much less having long talks while on the road. You don't even want to imagine how your call would have gone if you had revealed that you hadn't been staying over because your girlfriend forbids it. It definitely would not have ended like it did. You probably wouldn't have a best friend anymore. If she was even still your best friend. You haven't been doing a very good job of keeping her around and involved. Something you will be sure to work on because she is one of the only people in your life that deserves the best from you. It definitely isn't the one running her lips up and down your neck at the moment. 

Liam: She lives with him now. How the hell is it possible that she lives with him now? You had done everything she had asked of you and look where it has gotten you, alone, while she's off shacking up with another bloke. You want nothing more than to forget these thoughts running through your mind. The half-empty glass in front of you is going to do that for you, hopefully. You can feel eyes on you; there are lots of them. This isn't your usual spot, but since you're on the road, a club is a club. The music is loud, and the liquor is strong; that's all you need. The eyes you've been catching all night are on you once more. She's hot; a definite catch. Nothing like what you want. But what you want is back at home sleeping with someone you should have gotten rid of a long time ago. You don't want to go back to thinking about how all of that had failed you miserably. Instead, you watch as the eyes and their owner walk your way. She isn't looking at any other person in this club, only you. She wants you. Of course she does, you come with a lot of bragging rights. You need this though, don't you? You need to get your mind off of everything happening back home. You need a distraction.  "Hi," the girl from across the bar says once she is in front of you. Her accent matches yours almost. "Hi," you say, holding your glass up. "You want a drink?" She nods, and you hold your hand up to get the bartender's attention. "Get her another one of whatever she's been drinking, mate." The bartender nods his head and goes off to mix her drink. You hold your hand out in the direction of the seat beside you. "Oh, I think you and I both know we aren't interested in conversation," she acknowledges honestly. Forward, again, probably something you need. If you don't have someone pushing you to get your mind off of home, you're going to be miserable. "Can I go ahead and pay my tab, her's too," you offer once the bartender comes back with the newly mixed drink for the girl you had just met. "Yeah, sure." He walks off yet again, and all you can do is stare at her as she downs the alcohol you had bought for her. She is a good investment. She is going to distract you. She is going to help you forget. Security isn't going to be happy about having to come up with ways to hide this one, but they're probably so fed up with you that they would be willing to do anything to get your to forget. You feel her hand rubbing up and down your leg, each stroke getting deeper and deeper into the tissue. You shake your head, getting your wallet out of your back pocket and leaning over to lay two-hundred down below the bar. That should be enough to cover you both. You grab the hand that is stroking your leg and pull her off of the stool. You watch as security gets up from their spot and quickly makes their way in front and behind the two of you. "Oh, wow, what an escort," she says, her words beginning to slur. "Please, don't talk," you tell her. You need her to fuck you, not talk. Talking brings on much more than you are willing to offer her. She says nothing more as the group of you leave the club and head back to the buses. This has to work. You have to forget. At least for tonight you have to forget. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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