Midnight Memories - Something Great

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Harry: "You know I can see you looking at those?" Sydney inquires. She's been watching you from the side of the couch for the last fifteen minutes or so. "To be honest, I don't really care if you can or not. It's not like I could hide anything from you, even if I tried." A proud smile forms on her face as she moves from her side of the couch to come and join you. You had been scrolling through concert pictures for the last half hour. And lucky for you, you had landed on someone with an unhealthy obsession for Harry so most of the pictures she had were of him. "That's a good one," Sydney comments, pointing at the screen. You turn to her, but she only smiles. She's been doing everything she knows to do these last few weeks to help you, and you have to admit you've taken it all for granted. If it weren't for her you would be going through all of this alone. You owe her so much more than you credit her for. "That's one of my favorite shirts of his," you admit as you turn back to the screen. "I can see why; the colors are great." It falls silent between you once more, and you continue to scroll. Every picture brings back a different memory, one more hurtful than the last. "He's going to come back. He's not going to say all of that and not make sure you know he means it. You've told me of at least ten occasions where he's gone out of his way to prove himself. This time won't be any different." She seems so sure of her words. But here you sit in doubt, of not only Harry but now Sydney as well. She was just dropped into this situation, how can she even pretend to be certain of what he will do? "I mean it obviously isn't going to happen soon because he's on tour, but you can't sit here and tell me you don't think something is coming." "I can do that though-" "No, listen. The two of you are better off together, not like this. He knows that. Give him time." Time? How much time does he need to make something like this better? To be fair though, it was royally screwed up and would take a lot of attention to get back to normal. "I know you don't want to give him anymore time, but the guy is on a world tour. He can't just leave, even though I'm sure he would if he knew exactly what you were going through. Don't think I don't know that you haven't told him everything. That boy would have been on our doorstep weeks ago if you had." That was probably the truth. "So if you aren't going to tell him everything then you can't blame him for not calling or not fixing it as fast as you think he should. You're leaving him out." "He doesn't need to know everything I'm feeling," you counter defensively. "Yes, he does. It's not too much to ask to be truthful and open with him. I know I can't ask that from you, and I'm doing my best to work with that. But this kid has been your best friend for years. And I know you've said it's like he's forgotten about you, but it kind of works both ways. You've forgotten about the friendship too. You refusing to call and tell him how all of this is truly making your feel is not how friendship works." You don't know where all of this is coming from, but you would rather not hear it. You close the laptop and sit it on the ottoman, before getting up and leaving Sydney on the couch alone. "Running is what got you in this shit in the first place," she says as you walk away. "You know nothing about the situation between me and Harry." She sarcastically laughs off your comment, she knows enough to know you are miserable without him.

Liam: This last week had been insanely hectic, but Mark had done everything in his power to make it worth it. You have been officially moved in to the new house for a full day. There are no more boxes, no more moving trucks. You aren't sure you have ever been more thankful for anything. Your body was still aching, even after countless foot and back massages thanks to Mark. You're in the kitchen now, the gorgeous white kitchen, making dinner before the other half gets home. You hadn't done this all week because you had just been too exhausted. This move had been covered heavily by the media. You aren't sure why, a lot of your family didn't even want to know that much about it. Why did anyone else? Regardless, there had been cameras in and out of your life nonstop for the last week, adding to the chaos of moving house. You are sure the coverage was somehow related to Liam. You hadn't turned on the entertainment shows to find out though. The lack of video links being sent to you told you the news had hit him. You hadn't told him about moving at first simply because you were scared to. None of this fits in his plan and you know he isn't happy with any of it. But when was Liam's plan ever your plan? The two of you were never together, yet he was the one always making assumptions about how you would be spending your life together. You had called him two days ago, mid move. You knew he would be getting the news sooner or later and even if you weren't the one to tell him first, you still knew you had to tell him. He hadn't answered, but you credited that to the tour. Your voicemail was short and simple. You told him that Mark had asked you to move in and that you had agreed. You told him the house had already been purchased and you would be moving in this week. You spared the details you were sure he did not want to hear, and left it at that. You were expecting something in return. Not right way, but you were expecting something, anything. Not a word came from him though. And when he stopped those subtle intros for you, you knew he had gotten the message. You didn't know what to do. You had thought about calling him back, but thought better of it once you realized he probably wouldn't answer you. It's been a harsh reality now that the tables have turned. You want him back in your life, but since it isn't the way Liam wants to be, he has the slight upper hand. You continue to mull through the kitchen, trying your best to find things that will actually combine to make a decent meal. You moved here for a reason. You love Mark. You want to be with Mark, and you know he wants to be with you. However, you really can't stand not having Liam in your life. You know what would bring him back, but you are not going to be leaving Mark. Mark has been there for you when Liam was not, even if he was the reason Liam left in the first place. He did not do anything wrong, and the two of you are so happy together. You've only been living with him for a week and you can already see that this is the exact step forward your relationship needed. You hear a car door shut outside and turn from the refrigerator to see Mark back from work. A smile stretches across your face, and you focus back in on the selection of food in front of you, even though it was very limited."I couldn't have pictured it any better," Mark says as he walks through the door to see you in the kitchen. "I love coming home to you," he continues, as he makes his way to you. You smile and give him a kiss once he is in front of you, pushing away everything that had just been running through your mind.

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