Midnight Memories - Strong

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Harry: "You should call him," Syd says from the kitchen. You look over at her from your place on the couch and roll your eyes. "What? You've been moping around here ever since the club, and it's no fun. Just call him." "I'm not going to call him," you quickly respond, making sure she knows where you stand. "Well don't come crying to me when you've lost him completely simply because you are too stubborn to be the one to call and fix it." Harsh. But you shouldn't be the one to fix anything; nothing had broken while in your hands. This is on Harry. You get up from the couch; you'd been laying there for hours. Your productivity level had plummeted thanks to all of this internal drama. You hadn't been doing anything but mulling around the apartment all day. You go back to your bedroom, shutting the door behind you. Syd had made it very clear she was tired of playing witness to what all of this was doing to you. You curl back into the bed that hadn't been made in days. Being under the covers was the only comfort you had been able to feel in a while. You reach out towards the nightstand to get your phone, bringing it back under to you. You stare at the black screen. This is on him. But you know he isn't going to call. The last time he had done that it was so incredibly awkward, so very different. Things have changed between you. You turn on the screen and the light illuminates the plush fortress you have built in order to keep everyone and everything out. You slide your finger across the screen and continue to think about the consequences of making the call. If you call you are giving him the upper hand. He isn't going to see that he's really hurt you if you don't continue to ignore him. But it's Harry. Why are you ignoring him?  You go to your recent contacts and of course he's still at the top. No one else bothers calling you. You press his name and put the call on speaker before setting the phone down and closing your eyes. You almost hoped he wouldn't answer. You had no idea where in the world he was so there was a good chance he wouldn't. The rings stop, and you close your eyes tightly. "Hi," a somber voice greets you. The sound of his voice causes your heart to speed up. "Hi," you respond, trying to keep calm, and also trying not to cry. "Are you under the covers?" He questions with a slight laugh. "Yes," you answer, nothing ever gets by him. "I recognize it in your voice." Of course he does. Of course he remembers what your voice sounds like when it's under the covers. Strange boy. "Everything alright?" He asks, and you almost laugh at his question. Of course everything isn't alright. Why would you be calling him? You're meant to still be ignoring him. Your pause tells him your thoughts and he continues. "We're going to be alright," he tells you, even though you hadn't said a word. He was always good at reading your mind though. "I'm not going anywhere, even though I know it seems like we are drifting. That isn't going to happen. I need you to keep holding on. Okay? If we're both holding onto this, there's no way we're falling apart. Alright?" How is it that you haven't said a word about the situation, yet he still knows everything to say to reassure you things will be fine? That's how it's always been though, something you've always wondered.  You can feel the tears now. This is like talking to the Harry you once knew. The one that was always with you, always spending time with you. The one that loved you unconditionally. But conditions had been put in place and this was not that Harry. But he was telling you everything you needed to hear in this moment to assure you that one day you were going to have the old Harry back. This was an offer you couldn't refuse. "Alright."

Liam: You've found yourself lost in more tour videos. This isn't how you are meant to be spending your Friday night. You should be out with friends while there was no threat of running into anyone you didn't want to see – also known as the person you were watching on the computer screen. You keep telling yourself you just want to see the show; you miss the show. And you had yourself convinced, that is until the introduction video had finished and Liam actually took the stage. Every time he shows up on the screen your eyes follow him, as they would if you were actually in the stadium watching him. You had always loved to watch him perform, he was a natural up on the stage. The joy he got from being in front of all of those people gave you joy of your own. You really shouldn't be watching these videos though. But they're everywhere. You can't escape them. An escape comes though, in the form of a phone call that brings your attention from the screen in front of you to the one sitting beside you on the desk. You lean over, and it's his name that is staring straight back at you. You can't pick it up. The racing of your heart tells you that. You're far too nervous to talk to him. Your emotions towards him had done a full three-sixty and then some, and clearly you still weren't ready to say anything. You let the phone ring, watching it closely, wondering if he is going to hang up once he realizes you aren't going to answer. What if he needs something? He will leave you a voicemail, you're certain. But why would he be calling you if he needed something? These are like old times. You watch as the screen changes and his name disappears, leaving behind a small notification of a missed call. You continue to stare, you know what's happening now. He's leaving you a voicemail. It'll be a 'just checking in' message, something along those lines. He'd been leaving them every so often, especially since he'd been getting more vocal about you on stage to his fans. The voicemail notification was taking longer than usual to come up. Maybe he hadn't left one. Maybe he had accidently called you. What a relief that would be. You let your eyes move back to the computer screen, but just as soon as you are ready to press play on another video, your phone buzzes, the voicemail notification now present. You take a deep breath and open it. "Hey." His simple opening was heartbreaking, his tone was not his usual. "I just wanted to call you and apologize. I know you've heard a thousand apologies from me in the last couple of months and this one probably seems no different, but please hear me out." You have no idea what is coming next, but you try your best to prepare yourself. "I can't lose you. I need you. I'm sorry I took my emotions too far, but it's only because you mean so much to me. It wasn't fair to either of you that I acted like that and I have already said what I needed to say to Mark, and he and I are on good terms. I'm not sure if he said anything about that call to you, but it was a good one, I promise." You still aren't sure of everything that went down with their conversation, but Mark was definitely on Liam's side in this. "I'm not the same without you in my life. You've always been around, and now that you aren't I don't know what to do. I know you've heard me say this so many times, but I will say it over and over again until you believe me. (Y/N), I just need you. In any way you will allow me right now, I just need you." 

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