FOUR - Once In A Lifetime

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Harry: Your eyes were closing, and sleep was taking over. However, his voice was still on the other end, and he wasn’t going to let you fall asleep just yet. He had been telling you about Japan for the last hour. One of his favorite places to be. “I wish you were here with me.” “Shut up,” you counter, your words half-muffled by the pillow. “No, I’m serious, it would make this trip ten times better,” he insists. “Harry,” you begin, taking in a deep breath and rolling over to lay on your back. “Yes?” “Just stop.” He only laughs. “No, I’m not trying to be funny. I’m being serious." "(Y/N), come on. Just think about everything we could do if we were together.” He’s seeing into the future now, and you need to stop him, for the sake of your friendship. “What we have now is all we are ever going to have,” you try and explain to him, knowing this was like talking to a brick wall. He wanted to hear none of this. “Nah.” He was going to let you think whatever you wanted, he would change your mind in time. “No, Harry, I’m serious. What we have, no one else has. I don’t care how many famous friends you think you have, none of them have what we have.” “So why not make it stronger?” You roll your eyes, he has always been so stubborn. You never thought you would be in this situation though, defending your friendship. Yes, the two of you had flirted constantly these last four years or so, and yes, it had caused several rumors to come up, but that’s all they were. He was wanting a lot more than rumors; he was wanting to make them real life. You couldn’t do that though. You know what you have with him is rare, and the last thing you want to do is make a decision that screws all of it up. He means too much to you for that. Why can’t he just understand where you are coming from? He’s too set in his own ways, that’s why. He knows what he wants and will not stop until he gets it. That is how he has always been. It’s something you are used to. You sigh deeply over the line, rolling back over onto your side. This conversation was slipping away from you. “Harry, can you please just stop.” You didn’t know what else to say, he was wearing you down with relationship talk. A relationship you didn’t even want to think about. Yes, you had once considered being in a relationship with him, but thought better of it, and it turned out to be one of the best decisions you had ever made. There was no pressure between the two of you. There was no label. It was just you and Harry, nothing more and nothing less. And that is how you always wanted it to stay. You weren’t on the fence about it anymore, and you were ready and willing pull him over to your side so he would see that it’s better this way. “I’m just trying to get you to see that I love you and that we would be great together.” His words were so simple but you knew the complications behind them. “I wish you would just tell me more about Japan,” you urge. You were so tired and the last thing you wanted to do was get deeper into relationship talk with him. “I wish you would just see that I’m right.” “But that’s the thing, Harry, you aren’t. If you and I were to get into a relationship, what happens when it goes wrong? Does it end badly? If it does then that is us never talking to each other again. Harry, I can’t risk that. I’m sorry if that’s selfish of me, but I –“ “Why does everything have to go wrong with you? Why can’t things just turn out great?” “Because that isn’t life Harry. We aren’t living in a fairytale, Walt Disney isn’t writing our story.” “I’ve got to go,” he says after your outburst. You groan in frustration as he ends the call without saying anything else.

Liam: You’re walking towards the tower. Finally a day to explore the city you had been invited to. You look around, but there isn’t a familiar face in site. Where is Mark? He’s meant to be here. He’s the one that planned this whole trip. Now that you think about it, how did you even make it out here without him not being with you? Surely you hadn’t turned into a wanderer. You feel a hand grab yours and you are immediately relieved. “I was wondering where-“ You stop your sentence. Your eyes are wide as you trace over his features. “What are you doing here?” You question, looking around to make sure you were in fact still in France. “I came to see you, like you asked, remember?” “What? I didn’t ask you to come here?” “Yes you did, you called me on the phone last night. You said you wanted to come back to London, that you didn’t want to be here anymore.” You are certain those words never came out of your mouth. What is going on? “Liam, I never said that,” you insist, pulling your hand from his. “I have the voice mail.” You look down as he pulls his phone out. “Liam can you come get me? I don’t want to be in France anymore.” It was definitely your voice, no denying that. “I must have been drunk last night,” you assure him. “You don’t look very hungover.” You don’t feel hungover either. What is happening? Had you really called Liam and told him those things? Obviously you had; he had recorded proof. You stare at him, utterly confused. There is no way this is happening. “Where is Mark?” You ask, looking around the crowded park. “How am I supposed to know? You told me to meet you here.” You shake your head, you hadn’t done that either. He holds his phone up though, and sure enough you read the text from you that told him to meet you right where you stand. You continue to shake your head. You have been having such a great time with Mark, why would you suddenly change your mind about being here? And Liam. Liam is supposed to be on tour, he isn’t supposed to be able to just fly to your rescue whenever you call him. However, thinking back to his actions earlier on in the week you wouldn’t put it past him to just fly out simply because you said you weren’t enjoying yourself anymore. Obviously he had done just that, and you stand in front of him in shock. “How long are you just going to stand there?” He questions honestly, but a slight smile on his face. He was winning, he knew it. “No, no, no, this isn’t happening,” you say loudly. “You’re causing a scene now,” he warns. “I don’t care, this isn’t happening! This isn’t happening!!” You shout, your voice twice as loud this time. Just then everything goes black. Your eyes are shut. You slowly open them to see a dimly lit room. A groan comes from beside you and you quickly turn. It was Mark. You sigh loudly in exhausted relief. It was all just a dream. But wait. A dream? About Liam? Why were you dreaming about Liam? Especially after everything he had done to sabotage your relationship this last week. Why was he even in your thoughts? And why had you wanted him to take you away from France, away from Mark? You didn’t want to leave. You have been enjoying yourself, the last thing you wanted to do was leave, especially with Liam. You wrap your arms around Mark and close your eyes once more. Liam had already tried his best to weasel his way into your relationship and it hadn’t worked. Now he was trying an alternative method.

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