Chapter thirty seven

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T/W: Non-consent, cutting

You were so lost in the deep world of your own thoughts, that you didn't realise Feitan was leaning against a wall staring at you. Judging on the way his body was slouched against the wall with his arms crossed, you guessed he had been watching you for quite a while. But, whist his body language seemed relaxed and unbothered at first, you had learned how to pick up on the smallest signs. The slight furrow of his brow, how his shoulder muscles were tensed ever so slightly, and the faint dusting of white over his clenched knuckles. You too began to stare back at the man in front of you, who was seemingly lost in a deep thought similar to your own, especially as he hadn't reacted to your movement.

Now that you had realised the stillness, the air became ghostly silent. The pair of you just quietly observing each other.  You were sure he hadn't realised it, but the crackling fire was becoming less and less able to fill the foreboding silence. You simply sat there as he stood, without doing anything; something that you had realised you had been doing quite often recently. Maybe he didn't notice the overbearing tension growing in the air, maybe he didn't care, but to you, it was stifling and awful. That's another thing that you had noticed was becoming more frequent- awkward silences. The quiet part wasn't new, in fact, the pair of you used to spend hours in a comfortable silence, not feeling the need to connect to each other through words, but simply through the others presence. But now, you felt the need to fill the gap with words or sex.

You were exhausted, mentally and physically. The whole ordeal of the day had left your body aching and head spinning. All you wanted to do now, was close your eyes and forget about the dilemma for a moment. A single moment of peace. That sounds nice, haven't had one of those in a while. You thought to yourself, maybe I can figure out what to do about his death in the morning, with a clear head. Yes, that sounds good.

You began to unfold yourself from your hunched position next to the fire, which seemed to flick Feitan out of whatever trance he had been in. He watched intently as you stretched out on top of your jacket, one hand supporting the side of your head as you lay on your side. The other hand rested between your thighs, trying to salvage some warmth. The warm colours of the fire danced across your skin, creating ghostly shadows that trickled up and down your body. You closed your eyes, not even bothering to acknowledge Feitan's presence.

Because of this, you didn't notice the furrow in his brow become more prominent as he realised you were ignoring him. You didn't notice how he clenched and unclenched his fists in frustration. You didn't notice the set in his jaw as he decided that he wasn't quite done with you get. You didn't notice when he pushed up his weight and intently made his way towards you, ready to remind you that you were his to play with.

You did however realise, albeit too late, when a rough hand dug into your shoulder and slammed your back down. And again, you did realise, again too late, that he had you pinned under him, his knees digging painfully into your thigh bones, and your wrists restricted by his hands.

It was all you could do to suck in a sharp inhale of breath as your back collided with the frightfully cold ground beneath you. Your eyes became wide with fright. You knew that look in his eye- that predatory glare that you only saw when he was in the mood. It was the look he gave you before he fucked you.

"Feitan, no, I can't" You pleaded, desperation mingling with voice. You were pretty sure that you would pass out if you had to go another round. Your body and mind couldn't take it. The thoughts swirling around your head were so uncertain, you didn't want to do anything more until you had made up your mind. You didn't want this.

"No?..." He growled as he stooped down lower to your face, "But you want this, I can see it in your eyes". His breath was hot against your neck as he ghosted across the skin. "I know you want me, laying there in such a sensual position, just begging for another round", his teeth came up and grazed the skin of your ear, nipping and licking against the lobe. His body came down lower and you could feel his hardening dick pressing against your thigh. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this. You owe me this." He began to rock gently back and forth, grinding his member against the supple skin of your inner thigh

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