Chapter fifteen

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You and Feitan trailed behind the other three as they entered through the towering door. You paid attention to the buildings gothic architecture, the half crumbling spires and stained glass windows made you certain that this building must have been splendid in its hay day.
You barely had time to react when a loud yell intruded on your thoughts

"Feitan brought his girlfriend!!"
It was Machi.
You gave each Feitan a fleeting, extremally awkward glance , hoping that he would correct them and explain that you had only met yesterday. To your utter surprise, he only shrugged and stared straight forwards.

Huffing in slight protest, you are quickly bombarded with a versatile group of people, each with extreme features of their own nature. They all stand, eyes fixed on you, parting before a young (gorgeous) male approaches you. He wore a long leather coat, similar to your own, with a dense fur lined collar. The jacket is left hanging loosely around his sides, revealing muscles that nearly rival Feitans. Nearly...

Boldly striding over to you, he catches your gaze and you feel your breath hitch in your throat.

"Feitan, are you not going to introduce us?" the striking man says, as he boldly stands closer to you than you would have liked, unwavering in his eye contact.

"This is [Y/N]" Feitan mumbles, slightly annoyed at his bosses sudden interest in you

"It's a pleasure, you can all me Chrollo" he says, reaching out and lifting your hand, grazing the back of it lightly with his lips, whilst looking up at your face, a small smirk plastered across his face.

Feitan lets out a small growl aimed directly at his boss, barely audible but loud enough for the pair of you to hear, causing you to look over at him. His eyes were dangerous, warning off the predator that looked at you hungrily.

You pull your hand back, almost reluctantly. His lips were.. so smooth, and gentle.
No. Stop it. Feitan is standing right next to you.

"Hi" you say confidently with a smile, although the phrase has an undertone of malice, "nice to meet you"

He looks at you once more, before striding away, returning back to his position at the head of the room. Seemingly, all the other members in the room had waited for him to introduce himself first. After eyeing your encounter suspiciously, they make their way over to you, introducing themselves one by one. You made mental notes on each of their names, trying to remember them:

• No eyebrows = Phinks
• Glasses that are too big for her face = Shizuku
• Werewolf man = Uvogin
• Nose that strikingly resembles a penis = Pakunoda
• Mummy = Bonolenov
• Prepubescent boy = Shalnark
• Mop man = Kortopi

They return to their places, scattered around the room as you go and sit next to Feitan, who plants himself on top of some crates at the further end of the room.

"There's one more for you to meet" he says under his breath, desperately trying not to draw any more attention than necessary. You hum in response.

"By the way, if you ever want to growl like that in the bedroom..." you smirk suggestively.

He whips his head round and raises an eyebrow at you. You just smile at yourself, knowing you caught him off guard. The next few minutes are sat in silence, with you silently studying each individual, trying to gauge their strengths and weaknesses.

Suddenly, you feel hot breath on your ear and a low growl that sends shivers up your spine. It takes less than a second to realise it's not Feitan as he's sitting on the other side of you. Whipping round, you extend your arm with a throwing star in your hand, the metal inches away from the middle of a peculiar looking mans head.

"...what, I thought you said you likes growling..." he hummed in a low voice as he winked at you

You snarled at his response.

He was dressed in a magician costume, which quite frankly looked a little ridiculous. His hair was obnoxiously jelled backwards and he wore the makeup of a star and a tear drop on each cheek. The pair of you stood in silence for a second whilst the others gawked, impressed at your reflexes and ultimate defiance against the jester, who had the ability to creep anyone out.

Breaking the eye contact he held, he turned away

"So, Feitan finally got himself a play toy, I'm impressed. But darling..." he said, tilting his head to the side to address you "..when you want some real fun, you just let me know..."

He sauntered up to a window sill and perched himself on the ledge, focusing his gaze outside. You were left stunned, he didn't even flinch when you spun around. His confidence was admirable, you thought, and something about his presence made you shiver.

"That was Hisoka, the other member" Feitan stated, pulling you out of your thoughts

"oh.." was all you managed, before letting your hand drop and placing yourself back on the crate, eyes still glued persistently on the peculiar man who you had nearly killed.

Suddenly, Chrollo stands

"let's begin"

His red scarf [Feitan X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now