𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓔𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽

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Third Person's POV

"You liked it?" Jaemin asked again, now with an amused face.

"Don't make me repeat it you already heard clearly earlier." Mark looked sideways, blushing hard as Jaemin stepped closer to him.

"Say it again." Jaemin's voice suddenly dropped turning Mark's face towards him by gently grabbing his chin.

"Butㅡ" Mark stopped when he saw Jaemin licking his own lips as the taller stares down at his lips with Jaemin resting his forehead against Mark.

"What? Say it again babe." Jaemin whispered to Mark's ear brushing his lips sensually to the other's earlobe.

"Iㅡ I liked it and I was shy around you because I liked it too much andㅡ"

Mark was cut off by some dry lips on his own kissing him softly, hands on his waist drawing soft circles as if telling Mark to relax and it's okay. Mark sighed, circling his arms around Jaemin's neck, kissing back when he gained his composure.

Jaemin smirked when he heard Mark groan when he brushed his tongue to  Mark's lips, give him tiny bites making the older moan. Mark slowly slid his hands from Jaemin's nape to Jaemin's shoulders, gripping his shirt tight and that's Jaemin's cue to stop. He stopped kissing Mark, dropping his head on Mark's shoulder chuckling. He turned his head facing the other's neck, nosing Mark's neck and taking in Mark's scent before standing up again, hands on his pockets with a sweet smile on his face.

"So how's that? Did you like it?" Jaemin asked, inching his face near to Mark's making their noses touched.

"I did but does that meanㅡ"

"Yes Mark Lee, I know it's barely a month since we've met and I'm not supposed to be confess this early but you said something interesting that's why I'm doing this now." Jaemin stopped putting both hands on Mark's shoulder's as he stares intently on Mark's eyes.

"I like you Mark Lee." Jaemin smiled.

"Let's go home okay?" He said afterward without missing a bit, grabbing Mark's bag and hand.

"But what aboutㅡ"

"You can give me the answer when you exactly know what you like, is it only the feeling I gave you when we kissed and when I gave you the hickey or you liked it because it's me who did it." Jaemin smiled again. A smile that tells Mark that it's okay for him to take his time.

Mark finally loosened up at the gesture, smling back at Jaemin letting Jaemin drape an arm on his shoulder as they walked side by side.


"So what's the score with you two?" Donghyuck asked as soon as he's seated in front of Jaemin and Mark who's watching something from Jaemin's phone with Mark's head on the other's shoulder.

"Nothing that you should know." Jaemin said sticking his tongue out as Mark got up from his shoulder then Jaemin casually put his arm on Mark's chair.

"I guess Jaemin has the courage to man up." Jeno stated chuckling since he's been observing the two since yesterday.

"Bingo! But you shouldn't ask things to Mark yet, he needs to think hard about it right?" Jaemin turned Mark who got surprised by the proximity not expecting Jaemin to turn his head making their faces inches apart from each other.

"Y-yeah. Why don't we get food Jeno?" Mark immediately stood up, blushing dragging Jeno with him.

"Jeno is his escape route when you make him flustered." Renjun said laughing.

"Yeah, can't blame him though, Jeno's like a comfort teddy bear and that guy's so composed all the time. A perfect match for a flustered person and a perfect companion to calm down." Jaemin said and everyone just nodded watching the two order food.


"Hey Mark!" Jaemin called when he saw Mark talking with Karina in the hallways not liking the way she touches Mark.

"Hey Jaemin." Mark smiled at Jaemin as the taller male draped an arm around Mark's shoulder as if showing the girl that this boy right here have been claimed. Jaemin didn't miss the smirk on the girl's face but immediately turned back to sweet smile expression.

"So what are you guys talking about?" Jaemin asked smiling at Mark while giving Karina his cold stare.

"Oh I was just offering Mark if he can run as an aspring treasurer for the council since you know, sc elections is around the corner. Midterms is done" Karina said smiling at Jaemin.

"Isn't the candidates already filled in and Mark is a new student you know. He's not well known around the school." Jaemin defended not noticing that he's starting to grip hard on Mark's shoulder, not noticing his eyes turning a shade of red for a brief moment. Karina smirked again flashing the same crimson eyes in front of Jaemin after she snapped her fingers in front of Mark.

"𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖." Karina smirked, her eyes shining red. Jaemin is shocked for a brief moment but immediately got his composure back when they're back in the normal world in a split second.

"Trust me Jaemin-ssi, he is well-known around the school. He hangs out with you guys. Lee Jeno, Na Jaemin, Huang Renjun and Lee Donghyuck, if you didn't know the 10th graders of the student body considers your group at the dons of the 10th graders. Anyone new that would hang out with your group will be well known and plus with this results, I know Mark Lee will build a
name of his own on this school." Karina sad waving the mock test for the moving up students.

"That's all I wanna tell you Mark. I hope you'll consider it." Karina smiled at Mark as she began to walk away passing by Jaemin's side.

"𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍, 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒂𝒏." She whispered making Jaemin shocked, following Karina's movements as a reflex.

"Jaemin is something wrong? You're very hostile towards her. She's nice Nana." Mark said when he feels Jaemin is still tensed.

"It's nothing. Let's go." Jaemin said dragging Mark away before a mob of students gets there to see the results.

"But what about the results?" Mark asked but still let Jaemin drag him anyway.

"Let's look at it tomorrow. I know the results already." Jaemin said not looking back at Mark.

Mark could only shut his mouth and followed Jaemin, worried that he angered the other in any way possible not even realizing the trouble that comes next as Jaemin tightens his hold on Mark's wrist with his crimson eyes out.


Mark run! Hello! Be safe always! ❤ -Ji 💙

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