𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 𝒪𝓃ℯ

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Third Person's POV

"Aww you're going to Korea to study?"  Natalie asked Mark who's still sulking because of the news he got few days ago from his parents.

"You can stop rubbing salt to his wound now Natalie,  you mean kid." Anna said and Hiru just chuckled at the behaviour of the two younger girls.

"Hey cousin cheer up! It's not like you're an extroverted kid who can't make friends in other places." Hiru said patting Mark on his back who just sighed still thinking about how will he cope up there in Korea, whether he can gain friends there or not and many more.

"But still.. It's hard to leave things here. Like, it feels like it will be hard to adjust." Mark spoke as they took a seat on one of the benches in the park.

"Well having friends there will help you adjust. Just be yourself and find a squad that you can fit in." Natalie said taking a bite on her burger.

"You make it sound so easy Natalie." Mark whined.

"Because it is Lee." Natalie shot back rolling her eyes.

"He's not you Natalie." Anna said shooting a playful glare to the younger.

"He's Mark Lee. The famous and handsome nerd in our school." Hiru said as all of them laughed at Hiru's word.

"I'm not a nerd, I'm just smart!"

"Whatever makes you sleep at night Mark Lee." The three said at the same time making Mark frown but chuckle afterwards, his cousins are the craziest girls he met in his life but also the coolest ones.


"Nana! Hurry up we're running late!"

"Winwin is waiting Nana!"

"I'm coming! You two are unfair! You make me hurry to pick your boyfriends up!" The younger pouts as he runs down the stairs to meet his brothers.

"Umm Winwin is picking us up Nana if you forgot,  and we will pick Taeyong-hyung up." Yuta grinned clinging an arm over the shoulders of his pouting brother.

"Oh I forgot that Na Yuta, the famous soccer player and the oldest of the Na brothers is a slave to Dong Sicheng's glare." Jaemin teased rolling his eyes at his brother.

"Ya!  As if Jaehyun isn't afraid when Taeyong goes berserk." Yuta argued as Jaehyun chuckled knowing what's about to start and he plans to go with Jaemin's side today.

"Oh? Even Nana is afraid when Taeyong go berserk, even you." Jaehyun said earning a glare from the older.

"Oh and you! You better tell Taeyong-hyung to be ready when we arrived at his flat. I'm in a hurry because of him. He better not make me wait!" Jaemin said still the pout on his face visible, pointing at Jaehyun going ahead of his older brothers.

"Yes Mr. Na!" Jaehyun said chuckling at his brother's cuteness.

"That shit is dominant af." Yuta said as he watched Jaemin walking away.

"And that only proves he can dominate anyone he wants hyung." Jaehyun said looking at Jaemin outside there home.

"Wanna bet?" Yuta asked.

"Sure I go for dominant Jaemin and his bitchass demon." Jaehyun said smirking being sure af that Jaemin will top.

"Hey that wasn't supposed to beㅡ" Yuta said wide eyed but Jaemin cut him off.

"What are you two still laughing there?! You said we're running late!" Jaemin yelled from the front seeing his brothers still stalling and talking about something.

"We're coming!" Yuta and Jaehyun yelled jogging to Jaemin's place.


"Hey Na." Jeno greeted as he saw his best friend walking in the classroom. Girls dreamily watched as the two of them side by side with each other.

"Did you see the scores?" Jeno asked again as both of them walked to their seats.

"Nope." Jaemin said popping the 'p' as he happily consumes his lollipop, knowing what Jeno is referring to.

"You should see how you lost Nana dear." Jeno sing sang teasing his best friend.

"No way!" Jaemin raised his voice a little bit getting everyone's attention as he stood up and ran to the bulletin board with Jeno trailing behind him.

"Yes way Na Jaemin." Jeno said as they stopped running in front of the school's board having their scores for midterms.

"I lost to you by a point Lee Jeno. It's 1-1 now. Anyway congrats my friend." Jaemin said smiling even though he saw his name on the 2nd place next to Jeno's name who came in first this exams.

"It's still a good fight tho Nana, you made me work 2x harder this time." Jeno said as they calmly walk back to their classroom.

Jeno and Jaemin have this friendly competition between the both of them when it comes to academics. They compete for the first place every school year. Whoever got the most first place wins and there's a price who the loser buys for the winner.

"I think you're buying me that game console, you better save up Nana dear." Jeno said.

"No I think you're buying me the most expensive hoodie I saw on the mall Nono bear." Jaemin answered back with the both of them chuckling as they took their seats.


"Headmistress? You called for me?" Karina slowly opened the door to see the headmistress and a new face with a raven hair.

"Oh Rin,  sorry for disturbing you during class hours but I need you to meet our new student. He is Mark Lee and he transferred from Canada. I need you to take him to his class." The headmistress said as Rin listened well.

"Oh. Hi, I'm Karina the student council president but they call me Rin. It's nice to meet you Mr. Lee." Rin said formally offering a handshake.

"Oh hi and you can just call me Mark." Mark said as he took the handshake and handed his class schedule to Rin since she needs it to find Mark's class as both of them headed out of the headmistress' office.

"Oh. You're in Class 10-B this class have Na Jaemin and Lee Jeno, the top two of your grade." Rin said seeing Mark's details.

"They must be good then." Mark replied, thinking if he could join the top 10 knowing his classmates with the top 2 students.

"Oh you're here, 10-B. Good luck on your first day." Karina said as she hands back the schedule to Mark and knocked on the door for him telling the teacher that a new student had arrived.

"Okay everyone listen, a new student will be joining our class." Mr. Byun said getting the attention of everybody.

"Really a new student? Right after midterms?" Jeno muttered.

"Maybe he's smart enough and he's no joke." Jaemin just answered as he locked his gaze on the raven haired foreign boy in front.

"Hello everyone I'm Mark Lee and I hope we can get along. It's nice to meet you all." Mark said as Jaemin's eyes turned deep red for a moment,  something Jaemin didn't know but something that Jeno saw.

Pretty cool. Jaemin thought as he gave Mark a small smile who reprocated the gesture when their eyes met for a brief moment.

Jeno just observed Jaemin for a few minutes who's still watching  Mark in front before looking away but still taking note of how Jaemin's crimson red eyes appeared when he first looked at the new student.


So satan soul updates will be during 1st and 3rd weekends of the month, either Saturday or Sunday. Wavyuuu❤ -Ji 💙

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