𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 𝓣𝔀𝓸

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Third Person's POV

"Hello everyone I'm Mark Lee and I hope we can get along. It's nice to meet you all."

"Thanks for that nice introduction. Now, you may take a seat behind Jaemin. Jaemin dear, please raise your hand." Mr. Byun said as the younger boy obliged.

Jaemin? One of the top students?

Mark thought as a male with honey brown hair raised his hand, the same guy who gave him a smile earlier.

"Hi Jaemin." Mark greeted as he passed by Jaemin's seat, Jaemin,  on the other hand smiled back to Mark.

"Hey Mark, do you mind coming with us during lunch?" Jaemin turned back and asked as the older male settled on his seat.

"Oh sure,  must be nice to have friends on the first day." Mark answered offering a smile once again,oddly feeling too comfortable already talking to the younger.

Lessons resumed when Mark have already settled down on his seat. The absence of his seatmate making him feel sad because apparently being the new student, your seatmate is your only hope to have you first friend in the class but unfortunately Mark have none at the moment.

Not after a while it's already lunch and Mark could only sigh. He didn't get the chance to talk anyone after the introduction he made in front of everybody. Sighing, he packs his things almost forgetting that Jaemin offered to join them at lunch if not for Jaemin waiting for Mark to finish packing.


"Hey guys, this is Mark the new student in our class." Jaemin introduced the latter as soon as they reached their usual table during lunch. Noticing the different joy they heard from Jaemin's voice made Donghyuck have a meaningful eye contact with Jeno who just shrugged his shoulders as if saying "let's just wait what happens".

The first thing Mark noticed is that everybody in the cafeteria is staring at him when he walked with Jaemin to their usual spot. He knows Jeno and Jaemin must be popular in the student body, considering their academic standings but he didn't expect to see their friends are also at the top of the school hierarchy.

"Hi there I'm Renjun, I am the student body secreraty. He is Donghyuck, a jock."Renjun first spoke up, rolling his eyes when he introduced Donghyuck.

"You always forget that I'm the ace of the volleyball team Huang and I am your boyfriend." Donghyuck said smirking at Renjun who just hissed making Donghyuck chuckle as he pulls Renjun to sit on his lap, receiving a smack in the head as the smallers moves away.

"I am Chenle I'm in 9th grade and he is Jisung an eighth grader. Nice to meet you hyung." A cute boy said making Mark coo and want to pinch his cheeks.

"The hyungs aren't going to eat lunch with us?" Jaemin asked as he sits himself and pulling Mark to sit beside him.

"They said they're coming, Hyuck please buy drinks." Renjun commanded Donghyuck facing his boyfriend.

"Yes master, Jeno can you go with me to the vending machine? What do you guys want, I am feeling generous today.  I'll buy." Donghyuck asked as they said what drink they would want one by one except for Mark.

"Mark-ssi?" Hyuck called out smiling at the new comer.

"Anything's fine." Mark replied feeling shy but Lee Donghyuck doesn't let be shy in his presence.

"Ya Makgeollie just say what you want." Mark was taken aback by the sudden nickname and informal speaking but instead of making him uncomfortable that made him feel a little bit less awkward with the group.

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