𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝓇ℯℯ

987 55 17

Third Person's POV

"So where do you live?" Jaemin asked turning to Mark as the shoter said his address.

"You need to ride the same bus as I." Jaemin replied too happy knowing Mark rides the same bus.

"Really? So that means we can go home together everyday then, that's reassuring for someone who just came here like me." Mark smiled at Jaemin which the othed reprocated as well. Both were so quiet while waiting for their bus to come, standing side to side too near with each other to the point that their knuckles sometimes touch but no one dared to move away, comfortable enough with the distance they have.

"So wanna have the window seat?" Jaemin immediately asked when they are about to ride the bus, Mark nodded with a wide smile making Jaemin chuckle at Mark's cute action.

Jaemin started to name things they pass on from parks, coffee shops, restaurants and mini stores not forgetting to tell Mark his favorites among them. Mark intently listened and enjoyed Jaemin's little tour and information as he watched the view outside,  seeing all of the things Jaemin said.

Eventually Jaemin stopped his little tour when he saw Mark leaning on the bus window, staring outside with droppy eyes. Slowly Mark fell asleep with his head softly banging on the window. Jaemin waited for a few minutes before slowly getting Mark to lean on his shoulder instead on the windows, thinking how Mark's head and neck would hurt later when he wakes up.

"You're not supposed to sleep during a bus ride, especially when you're new." Jaemin 'tsk'softly but smiled after seeing Mark so sound asleep as if he wasn't in a bus with a newfound friend.


"Hey guys,  good morning." Mark came greeting them on the process.

"Oh hey Mark dude. Good morning." Jaehyun greeted back as Taeyong did the same as watched his younger brother watched Mark with those eyes making him smirk and give Taeyong a knowing glance. A JaeYong thing.

"So dear brother, we will be taking our leave." Jaehyun said as he pats Jaemin's shoulder not forgetting to send a meaningful wink to the younger as they walk away.

"Guess Jaemin's getting a man." Jaehyun said to Taeyong pulling the older closer to him.

"And here I thought, it would be Jeno, Jaemin will be getting." Taeyong replied.

"Well not all things you assume will happen babe."

"Shut up." Taeyong said giving Jaehyun a backhand smack on his abdomen.

"Aww that hurts Yongie." Jaehyun whined.

"Serves you well dork." Taeyong said rolling his eyes getting Jaehyun's arm off his shoulder, walking ahead of the younger.

"Hey I was just kidding." Jaehyun chased the older with a smile on his face.


Classes was just doing just fine not until Jaemin hears Mark's whimpers and whisper shouts at his seatmate Jackson, who is also whispering but in a different manner.

"Dude please. Ju-just..." Jaemin heard Mark groan followed by a small thud.

"Canada boy tone it down, the people in front of us might hear you." Jackson replied in a hush voice but loud enougu for Jaemin to hear.

"I s-said st-stop please.. " Mark once again said with a faint scared voice in Jaemin's perspective and that was his cue to interrupt Jackson as well as the class.

"Mr. Do, sorry for the interruption but  it seems Jacksong Wang isn't paying attention to your class and is doing some other things such being a pervert to Mark Lee." Jaemin said as he glares at Jackson who is brave enough to glare back at him.

"Mr. Wang is that true?" Mr. Do being the fair teacher he is asked to hear Jackson Wang's side but upon seeing Jackson's slight red eyes, the teacher could just only sigh.

"Mr. Do, Mark and I was just getting to know each other. Right Mark?" Jackson said slinging  an arm to the pale Mark Lee who tensed due to his touch and this didn't escape Jaemin's eyes.

"Don't fucking touch him." Jaemin said dragging Mark out of his chair, pulling the other beside him.

"Mark Lee you seem pale, Jaemin please bring him to the infirmary to calm down and have a rest and for you Jackson Wang. You need to bring your parents at school tomorrow and of course 3 hours detention after class." Mr. Do said dismissing the topic at hand and continued his lessons, letting Jaemin and Mark get out of the classroom.


Mark started to sniff and let his tears fall making Jaemin panic and drags the older inside a empty classroom instead of going into the infirmary.

"H-Hey Mark calm down. Breath, it's fine, you're fine now. It's just me." Jaemin said softly as he cups Mark's face wiping the older's tears with his thumbs.

"S-sorry I-I just can't help i-it.. Iㅡ" Mark can't even continue what he wanted to say as flashbacks from what happened earlier came rushing to his mind making him cry more and sob.

"Ma-Mark..." Jaemin don't even know what to do with Mark right now. He just stood there staring at the older who is continuously wiping his falling tears.


"You don't have to tell me." Mark got cut off when he felt warm body against his and a sense of protection engulfing him. A warm and soothing hand rubbing his back for comfort and strong arms around securing him from any danger. Slowly Mark wrapped his arms as well to Jaemin's torso letting it all out until his eyes felt heavy.

"You wanna go to the infirmary hyung? You can sleep there." Jaemin asked looking down at Mark who's already looking up at him resultimg their noses to touch and for Mark to blush in which Jaemin found cute and just chuckle at how cute Mark is right now.

Entering the infirmary, the school nurse asked who is ill and what happened. Jaemin just pointed at Mark then told the nurse that he got a bad headache and something happened in class that he, himself can't tell due to some reasons. Thankfully, the school nurse isn't the nosy school nurses we usually have at school and just prepared a bed for Mark to lie down.

"Take a rest, I will get you after class and walk you home again." Jaemin said stroking Mark's raven hair,  standing up from his seat but Mark caught his wrist even before he could make another move than standing.

"Can you stay?" Mark said as his eyes starts to shake in fear again.

"Sleep Mark Lee, you're safe already." Jaemin crimson eyes appeared before Mark as he hears Jaemin's unusually deep voice but he found it soothing and felt sleepiness slowly getting him. Once Mark is peacefully asleep Jaemin let out a satisfied smile slowly getting Mark's grip off his wrist as he leans down to lay a kiss on the older's forehead.

"Jackson Wang will pay for touching what's mine."


Hi. Stay safe! ❤ -Ji💙

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