CHAPTER 3: Acting Awkward at The Tents

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There's something magical about twins.

And also diabolical.

Like those twins in The Shining.

CaseyLynn and Jake Fowler were plotting takeovers and shakedowns from their cribs. At least that's how I picture their earliest years.

And yes, they're beautiful.

CaseyLynn Fowler. I guess her parents couldn't decide between the two names. So now it's a hybrid that's impossible to pronounce.

"It's CaseyLynn. Not Casey Lynn!" she often rages, but no one really knows what she's talking about. I find it easier to always inaudibly mumble her name at hyper speed to avoid her wrath.

"HiCaseyLynn. HiJake," I mouth quickly as Roo I join them in my backyard.

CaseyLynn (one word) is watching Errol drag a cooler of caffeinated drinks closer to the tent, not bothering to help. Jake uses his foot to push the cooler its final three inches in a feeble attempt to help despite the fact he's built like a teen Arnold Schwarzenegger.

"Need some assistance?" Roo asks Errol.

"No, but thanks. All finished. Just relax. Come check out the tent."

At that moment, Nick, Nathan, and Neil appear from around the corner of my house. Roo and I stiffen and exchange glances as the whole group shares "hellos" and "heys" in the Ellerbee backyard.

It's a good crowd in our backyard. It's the Rangioni brothers (Neil, Nick, Nathan), me and Errol, Roo, and the psycho twins (CaseyLynn and Jake).

CaseyLynn runs up to Nick, barely acknowledging the other Rangioni brothers.

"Nick! Do you need any help setting up your tent?" She beams and coos.

"Well..." Nick ponders this simple question for an eternity. "We're done setting up at our house...but I'm I guess we could bring the pizza over now instead of waiting? It's at our house."

"Done! Let's go back to your place and get that pizza!" CaseyLynn singsongs as she wraps her arm around Nick's arm.

And just like that, Nick and CaseyLynn are gone.

You've got to be freaking kidding me.

I look at Roo who mumbles, "Whatever," as she heads inside our tent with Errol and Neil, the oldest Rangioni.

Jake Fowler laughs. "Well, that didn't take long!" He nods in the direction of his twin sister and Nick walking away.

"Nick and CaseyLynn are just getting the pizza. They'll be right back," I say.

"Yeah. Sure. Pizza." He laughs again.

I turn toward the tent. I should go inside to see how Roo is doing.

Nathan stops me before I can go in.

"Why don't you give me a hand with this?" Nathan asks Jake and I for help setting up a small table outside the tent.

"Is this table for the pizza?" I ask.

Nathan doesn't answer, but raises an eyebrow that gives a what-do-you-think-it's-for-Einstein? look.

Seriously, how rude.

I reluctantly and very quickly help Nathan and Jake screw the cheap plastic legs onto the table before we flip it over.

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