Chapter 7: A Sky Full of Swans & Uranus

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I join Nick and walk next to him across his backyard, away from the group.

We finally stop in the corner of the big yard, removed from the others, but within eyesight. I glance back at the group - I can see Nathan watching from the distance, but then he starts talking to Rayleen.

Or rather, Rayleen starts talking to him.

"So you bake a lot?" Nick asks me.

"What?" I turn to face Nick. He's standing right next to me, only about five inches away.

Do people give off an electrical charge? I swear I feel it.

"So you bake a lot?" Nick repeats.

"Yeah. I like cookies."


I like cookies? Way to go, Emma. You really have a way with words. I should just put on a furry blue suit and join Sesame Street. Me like cookies.

"This is what I wanted to show you," Nick continues. "Up there." He points to the sky. "Do you see it?"

"The sky? The stars?" I ask.

"Yeah, right there. It's Cygnus." He vaguely points to the sky.

"Mmmm, you'll have to be more specific."

"See those three bright stars?"

"Ok, I think I do." There are a million stars, though.

"That's it! It's part of the summer triangle and we still get to see it! Part of the Northern Cross. Cygnus is Latin for swan. It's a big swan, Emma."

I'm not sure how accurate Nick is, or if I'm even looking at the right constellation, but he's excited. And his knowledge of the stars makes him even more attractive on this beautiful night.

Nick is suddenly smart now, too?

Nick is suddenly smart now, too?

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"Amazing," I confirm. "I think I remember the Zeus and swan connection from class."

"Yeah, sure," he sighs and smiles as he turns to me.

Five inches away.

Smiling. More smiling.

Now four inches.

Why is he moving closer? And why does he look so cute?

I've known Nick a long time, but it feels different now. Like before we were just kids hanging out with our families, and then suddenly he got gorgeous, and boom, now my hormones need their own emoji.

"So! Where were you all summer?" I blurt to change the subject because he smells so good.

Nick pouts and drops to the ground to sit.

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