CHAPTER 4: Eating 10 Cupcakes & Still Standing

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The night turned out to be a total bust. Nick Rangioni asked me if I crapped my pants when I came out of the tent.

Does he have radar on my backside? How did he see the stain so quickly? 

I tried to explain what happened, but Nick was easily distracted by some pepperoni sliding off his pizza and I don't think he heard me.

Roo tried to explain to Nick, too, but CaseyLynn appeared from her coffin and put a vice grip around Nick's shoulder to claim her territory and seemingly his mind.

After I changed into new clothes, I rejoined the group, but eventually called it an early night. Jake had steered the conversation to street racing and successfully lobbied for a Fast & Furious movie at the Rangioni's tent.

Noorah and Rayleen Smith were a no-show. And as expected, Roo and I still couldn't get within a 5-foot radius of Nick without receiving CaseyLynn's patented stink eye all night.

Ultimately, Roo decided that she didn't want to come between Nick and CaseyLynn because girls really have to stick together.

I agreed.

There's an unwritten rule that you don't go after another girl's dude. Although, as I pointed out later, we're not even sure if Nick and CaseyLynn are technically together, so maybe there's nothing to "come between," anyway. Plus, half the student body has a crush on Nick Rangioni. He is gorgeous, afterall.

We'll have to rethink our strategy for The Tents next weekend. Last night was more like a dress rehearsal.

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Today is a new day.

I roll out of bed.

It's 9:30 am and I can already smell cupcakes and coffee. Quickly, I grab my pink t-shirt and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Good morning, Emma!" my mom says when I enter the kitchen a few minutes later.

"Morning! I'm here to help with the cupcakes. And by "help," I mean I will be your official taste-tester." I smile and plop onto a barstool at the small island in the center of the kitchen where my mom has many of the ingredients on display: sugar, unbleached flour, eggs, buttermilk, cocoa powder, and both baking soda and powder.

"Just kidding," I continue. "I'll also help bake. But it looks like you've already done most of the work..."

"Just the first trial batch. Got up early," she explains. "How was last night?"

"Slightly better than a root canal...naked and livestreamed."

"Yikes, that bad, huh?" my mom asks.

I nod.

"Don't forget the peanut butter!" my dad randomly yells from the living room.

"Morning, Dad!" I yell back from the kitchen stool.

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