I love you

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 " Rosalyn,will you be my girlfriend?" Derrick asked me again. 

"I-" I started to say something,but my phone ranged. I looked at it and was Matteo," I have to take this,excuse me." I said getting up.

"Oh no problem." Derrick smiled. 

I walked the opposite way and answered, "hello?"

"Hey Rosalyn,how are you?" Matteo asked. He sounded panicky,I could tell.

"Hey,I'm good,how about you?" I asked,all I heard was him breathing, "Matteo,what is it?"

" Rosalyn,I have to go." He said and hung up.

"Matteo!Matteo!" I yelled.

I looked back at Derrick and he came running towards me, "hey what's wrong?"

 "I don't know."I said.

"You sounded worried."

"Well a friend of mind just called me and he then said he has to go,but he never does that,he always holds a conversation."

"Do you think something is wrong?" Derrick asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

"No,he's fine." I smiled.

He pulled me in for a hug, "its okay if you want to check on him." 

"No,I want to spend time with you." I said looking up at him. 

" Are you sure?" 

"Yes." I smiled and laid my head back on his chest.

"Okay." He said hugging me tighter. 

"I'm sorry about that." 

"Hey,you don't have to apologize for anything." He said sitting down. I sat beside him and he grabbed my hand, "just know I love you Rosalyn and I want you to be happy." 

"You love me?" 

"I do,you're the first girl to ever capture my heart." He said rubbing his thumb over my finger.

"I"You know what you want to say Rosalyn,just say it. "I would love to be your girlfriend Derrick." 

"You would?" 

"Yes." I smiled.

He got up and jumped around and I laughed, he sat back down and said, "I'm sorry." 

"No,I thought it was cute." I said as I continued laughing. 

"You're amazing." He said looking at my lips. He got closer, "Rosalyn?"


"May I kiss you?"

"I thought you would never ask." I smiled.

He smiled and pressed his lips against mine, wow. When we came apart, he smiled at me and I bit my lip, " I think I need a little more,I mean if thats okay with you?" I nodded. He kissed my lips again and put his hand on my face. Wow,he was an amazing kisser,wait was I getting infuated with him. Like I wanted to stop,but I didn't want to stop. Well he stopped and smiled, "I'm sorry I had to stop because I wanted to go farther and I know you're not like that." 


"I'm respecting you,I don't want you to lose your promise that you made."

"aww,but also I know my limit.I know when to stop."

"Well I was stopping mainly because of me." He laughed.

"Ohh." I giggled. 

We spent the hold day together,we went to the park,ate,skated with friends,and then had a dance party just him and I. 

  "Well I will see you hopefully soon." Derrick said kissing my cheek. 

"We will.If you visit your sister." I smiled.

"Oh yeah." He said.

Yep today was also the last day for us,but I wasn't leaving until Monday ,so tomorrow I am spending time with the girls. "Do you want me to take you tomorrow to the airport?" 

   "No,my roommate is taking me,I'm leaving at 4am." He said.

"Ooh,well you have fun,let me know when you land." I said hugging him.

  "Thank you Rosalyn." 

"For what?"

"For making me realize love still exist." He smiled. 

"Oh Derrick,you're amazing." I said trying to kiss his lips,but he was like 6 inches taller than me. He laughed and leaned down to kiss my lips. "Goodnight."

  "Goodnight my love." He said kissing my forehead. 

I walked in my apartment and got ready for bed. I showered and fell asleep thinking about...Matteo. That weird call,maybe I should call him back. I didn't know if he was home or in the states. 


I still wasn't asleep,I was still thinking about Matteo. Just call him Rosalyn,I took a deep breath. I dialed his number and heard the phone ring. 

  "Ring" Nothing, "Ring,Ring" Then it said, "the person is not available." What,okay calm down,its nothing. No its something,no he's fine,little M is fine. I'm going back to sleep. 


"RING,RING!" My phone screamed. 

I jumped up almost falling out of my bed. I looked at my phone and saw it was mom,what did she want at this time in the morning? 

A/N: What do you think this is about? Why is her mom calling at 5am? Why is Matteo acting so strange? Find out in the next chapter of 'I've fallen now what?'

I've fallen,now what? (A Matteo Bocelli Story part 2)Where stories live. Discover now