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Time Skip , October
I had finally gotten my letter from my mother but it wasn't a howler  which surprised me  , so I avoided opening it. A Lot of the staff and students were getting cold but luckily Madame Pomfrey had a pepperup potion that worked instantly however left you steaming from the years for hours. I was growing concerned for Ginny who had been pale lately but not ill... however it didn't stop Percy giving her some potion , he may be an ass but he does care about his siblings. I took some potion and had to force Fred and George down with Lee and Angelinas help to take theirs as they had a bad cold as well. Luckily for me it worked and they were steaming from the ears. Me and the twins have even been spying on the slytherin team lately , Oliver wanted me to get close to Flint seems though he had a crush on me apparently but Fred practically yelled at Oliver saying
"NO , she's not going anywhere near that ogre!" causing Oliver and George to smirk slightly confusing the hell outta me. The twins had 'rescued' a brilliant orange salamander and were trying to see what would happen if you fed it a filibuster firework but me not wanting to watch left as the small crowds observing went closer. I'd got my letter and left the common room looking for my B/N to open it with for ... well support.

In the end I found him and pulled him away from his friends explaining about the letter and he just nodded sitting with me as I opened it

Dear Y/N ,
                   If I am honest I couldn't care less about you missing the train being seen by muggles and inflicting damage on an old tree. All I wish is that three trees had finished you off because then you wouldn't be my problem and I would have to get these letters about you and B/N getting in fights e.c. Overall if you plan on getting in any more dangerous situations make sure it finishes you off or gets you sent to Azkaban to be with your good for nothing father , and tell the Headmaster I have nothing to do with any of you anymore , you and your brother (tell him) are orphans. This holiday I don't want you coming over , I want nothing else to do with you or for my son to know either of you exist , especially you Y/N you are turning out just as deranged , bad and crazy as your father was. I never asked for children like you or for your father to go crazy. From this letter on we are no longer family.
                          From Arabella

Tears streamed down my face along with my brother as we both hugged each other tightly ,
"I will go and tell Dumbledore then I guess..." My brother said pulling away from me , I just sighed
"Why do we have to have such a messed up family,"  he added , I smiled slightly at him as tears streamed down my face still
"You will always have me ," I smiled weakly as we hugged again before returning to our common rooms , I looked over and saw Ginny sitting in a chair looking extremely tired and pale so I walked over to her
"Ginny you look tired kiddo , you should really go bed for a bit" she jumped slightly and just smiled small
"Ginny if somethings going on , no matter how big or how crazy you know you can tell me right , I don't want you getting hurt or ill," she just nodded slightly , I sighed giving her a hug as she hugged me back , she was quite chilly so I threw my jumper over my shoulders and gave it her
"At least stay warm," I was walking up the stairs when Fred saw me
"Y/N are you ok?" he asked putting a hand on my cheek wiping my tear stained face  , I nodded passing him the letter
"Just read it later , Listen Fred I am worried about Gin," I sighed as he looked me in the eyes sadly shoving the letter in his pocket
"Me and George are to but shes not telling us anything...we just gotta keep trying I suppose," I nodded
"How are you holding up ?" I asked him
"Great apart from worrying about Ginny ," He laughed lightly , I smiled feeling immensely better as went went to his dorm and sat on his bed as he read the letter  , he sighed
"This is great , it means you don't have to put up with her crap. Plus family isn't decided by blood, it can be whoever you want it to be ok?" I nodded as he put both hands on the side of my face "Lets burn this letter , take it as a new start for you to get away from it all," I threw myself in his arms on his chest as he just hugged me back , i shivered a little as he chuckled grabbing a jumper of his and giving it to me to wear
"You realise you aren't getting this back?" i smirked
"I will wrestle it from you Princess," He said slyly smirking as my cheeks went bright red , we walked down to the dorm throwing the letter in the fireplace and just sitting watching it burn to ashes.

Fred POV
she was leaning on my shoulder watching the letter burn , I love this girl. Me and George came up with a plan , that I am going to ask her out on New Years in a very romantic way with some Weasley Twin seasoning.

Fred X Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now