Valentines Day

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Fred POV

Days went by and Y/N was nocked out for all of them. It was already Valentines day ... to say I was upset and worried would be an understatement I just wanted to go to the hospital wing and hug her but she wasn't allowed any visitors plus she had no family to come over and check on her only her brother , who was equally as devastated and thrown off.


I woke up one afternoon incredibly stiff , almost as if I had been in bed for days. It was strange I couldn't remember going to sleep or anything but when I woke up Madam Pomfrey dropped what she was carrying before rushing over to me checking me over and asking me questions

"Um I am great , just cant remember coming to the hospital wing?" I answered confusedly when my belly let off an all mighty growl causing me to blush. Madame Pomfrey smiled slightly when Dumbledore came marching in with Snape straight over to me... shit what have I done now I dreaded.

"Miss Black , how are you feeling?" Dumbledore looked at you with a small smile

"I am great Professor , I don't know how I got here or anything though, "Dumbledore nodded as I saw Snape give him a look

"You must be hungry , luckily you will be in time for lunch. I imagine you will want to stretch you legs." Dumbledore smiled as I climbed out of bed while the two teachers walked off dragging Madame Pomfrey with them. Weird I thought, I shrugged it off though drawing the curtain and getting back into my washed robes. As I made my way shakily to the Great Hall people were giving me strange looks and whispering , to make matters more strange though their were dwarfs running around with bow and arrows and golden wings , one stood at my feet looking up at me

"Cards for Y/N Black," he said gruffly shoving a couple pink envelopes into your hand then running off. You blinked a couple times before heading to the Great Hall you where just at the entrance when Ginny ran up to you hugging your side tightly with tears springing to her eyes

"Um hi Gin , why you hugging me like its been weeks since you last saw me? Also why are there dwarf-"

"You don't remember how you got into the hospital wing?" She asked shocked

" All I remember is rushing back to the common room because it was really late then bumping into someone," I shrugged. Ginny went pale. Suddenly my legs turned to jelly making me stumble to the floor.

"Y/N are you ok?"

"Yeah ,just really stiff for some reason," at that moment I looked into the great hall to see love hearts and pink everywhere "seriously Ginny what with all the decorations and things though," I pointed

"Its Valentines Day, You've been in the hospital wing unconscious for days." she answered helping you up, your head spun with thoughts... days? What happened to me?. You had an arm wrapped around her shoulder making it look like you were just walking together when really you were leaning on the small red head so you didn't land on your face or backside. You saw the twins and grinned immensely all the thoughts bubbling in your head disappearing

"Dee , Dumb!" I laughed waving as they turned to me , but instead of doing anything they just sat staring at me like I was a ghost. Ginny helped me sit down as she took a seat next to me that's when I realise that other people were looking at me shocked as well

"Alright , what the bloody hell is going on , I don't remember anything and just wake up suddenly on valentines day! With everyone looking at me like I am a ghost!" I yelled slightly annoyed

"Y-You don't remember anything that happened that night?" Fred said almost in a whisper

"No , that's what I just said!" Fred and George looked at each other frowning

"We'll explain later N/N," George smiled ruffling your hair ,as Fred looked else where so you nudged him slightly

"Are you ok babe?" I realised the nickname I just called him and blushed furiously , Fred just smirked though slightly red in the cheeks as well

"What was that?"

"N-nothing," I stuttered embarrassedly as I heard George and Ginny chuckling in the back ground.

"Sorry I haven't got you anything...I was going to its just y'know..." I said sadly , my first valentines day with Fred and I hadn't got him a thing. He just smiled softly

"Don't worry , I didn't manage to either but you could make it up to me," he smirked his usual smirk and whispered in my ear "me you common room with hot chocolate and cuddles," I felt my face heat up again but did a small nod. That's when I remembered the envelopes in my pocket you pulled them out some of them having chocolate and stuff in which you just shared among the four of you and opened them all. Most of them where from people you didn't even really know but one of them was from Marcus Flint causing you to cringe pushing it away. (your a man killer like Sirius (your dad) was a lady killer) Fred saw all the enveloped you had gotten and was getting incredibly jealous so he stood up on the Gryffindor table as the teachers shrieked at him to get down as he said at the top of his lungs

"Y/N BLACK IS MY GIRLFRIEND AND MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME SO TUFF LOOK SUCKERS!" he yelled as everyone looked at me , I tilted my head forwards wanting to just be eaten by the ground as Fred plonked himself down next to you looking extremely proud of himself

"Nice one Fred," George laughed as they high fived.

The twins told you about Ginnys valentines and you felt bad for the love sick girl but Harry is still young so he wasn't fussed about things like romance. However the twins were determined to embarrass the small boy as they kept singing, "His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad"

That night you sat in the common room with Fred and a lovely hot chocolate made by the house elves in the Kitchen. You sat , Fred's arm around you in comfortable silence when you couldn't bite your tongue anymore

"Fred...what happened to end me up in the hospital wing?" I felt Fred tense as he took his arm away from around me sitting looking me dead in the eyes

"Just... don't freak ok?" I nodded taking his hands -after putting my lovely hot chocolate down- "you were heading to the forbidden forest when me and George saw so we ran after you however you weren't yourself. Kind of like you were possessed or something so we took you Hagrid's when he told us to get Dumbledore which we did, When we returned to the hut though you were in bad shape screaming and yelling things that you wouldn't never say at the top o your lungs trying to escape , so Professor McGonagall sent us back to our dorms and approached us both the next day saying you were unconscious in the hospital wing but she wouldn't tell us what happened to you," Fred was shaking a little as you were stunned by what you were told "I- I was so scared for you Y/N," Fred started crying which naturally freaked me out as well because Fred Weasley - the happy, care free prankster was crying - so I just hugged him tight as he held onto me as if I might disappear crying into my shoulder.

"I will be more careful , don't worry I promise you will never loose me," I pulled away from the hug holding out my pinkie "lets promise to never leave each other , no matter what happens ,me you and George will always be the three troublemakers," Fred smiled nodding wrapping his pinkie around yours then before you knew it you were both leaning in his big hand cupping your cheek as you kissed lovingly.

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