The new band!

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We went on with lessons that day calmly , me and Harrison were talking with the two Beauxbatons students we had befriended.


Thanks for telling me N/N. Look out for Harry as I know you will. Me and Buckbeak are ok and safe. Meet Harry at Gryffindor Towers fire , 1 o'clock on the 22nd November.

Am not sure what to say with Moody he is a character so perhaps its cause he's so very unusual but if you're still paranoid speak to Dumbledore or do some digging (within reason) yourself.

Love Dad

Days passed and an article about Harry came out , Hermione being mentioned as his girlfriend and me being mentioned as a good friend, possibly crush to Harry all this said by Colin... I really hate that Rita women as if I need to be mentioned in this article.

Practising with the band was going well although we really needed a drummer...we all became incredibly close. Julien the Beauxbatons boy turned out to be gay , and had an amazing sassy personality , Harrison was super sweet but shy like Neville and Elodie was super talented and supportive. She was definitely the mother of the group. Then there was me, the crazy one haha we were a good mix and it felt as if we had all been friends for years. Me and Fleur had spent some lunches together as well just having civilised conversation , and I ran into that Durmstrang boy a few times but quickly turned the other way when he spotted me because...he was a lot scarier up close so I regretted sticking my tongue out at him a lot.

Me and Fleur were walking through the grounds when some boys came up to Fleur bothering her greatly then poking fun at me. They tried to get Fleur to leave with them but I slapped their hand off her wrist. I know Fleur would've stood up for herself but she had to represent her school. Anyway these two seventh years had no hope against me

"Leave her alone , I won't warn you again." I glared a crowd started to surround us as the two boys who were larger than me stared down evilly. They tried their luck again but I twisted his arm back "she don't want you little boy back off," I snarled he turned to me and tried to hit my but I dodged , ok so he tried to hit me " Don't be pathetic walk away," the two of them tried again as I ducked , twice they tried to hit me I got up and cracked my knuckles


I punched one of the boys around the jaw causing him to fall to the floor as he held his cheek , the boy behind me got his wand and went to cast a spell on me but I kicked him hard in the side sending him into the wall. The crowd of students from different schools around us laughed and cheered as I walked away with Fleur until I heard a voice

"Miss Black what have you done now," Professor McGonagall said as she helped the boys up sending them to the Hospital Wing

"It was self defence miss,"

"Would it kill you just to walk away,"

"I gave them chances to , I was protecting Fleur,"

"It is ze truth Professor," McGonagall nodded but sighed

"Go easier on them next time. Or even better don't beat anyone else up this year. Just one year without you putting someone in the hospital wing is all I ask,"

"Yes Professor," I chuckled . The two of us walked away giggling when the Durmstrang boy walked up to me with his friends behind him

"That was great," he smiled , I felt myself panic low-key

" I know you?" I tried to play it dumb but I think I played it to dumb

"Yeah , I'm the one you stuck your tongue out at the night we arrived,"

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