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In Detention
So as you can tell Fred and Y/N prank on Filch was a success until Proffesor Snape found them. There punishment was up to Filch -who now had a lot of tidying to do in his colourful office- which was to clean all the trophies in the trophy room , we even made some fun out of it by whipping each other with the towels , however it took hours to finish but when we had George met us and we walked to Filches glittery , rainbow office but he wasn't in there, so naturally instead of waiting we just shrugged our shoulders and went to leave, until a bit of blank parchment caught my eye. Without thinking I picked it up and stuffed it into  my robes pocket and jogged to catch up with the twins. As we entered the common room I pulled the parchment out of my pocket and handed it to Fred and George , when writing appeared ...'Wormtail , Padfoot , Moony and Prongs award this to Fred Weasley and Y/N Black to help in your pranking endeavours' ( I don't know how the twins figured out the maps password so i just thought this up)Fred's face lit up as he did as the item told him while I was in another world at the name fathers nickname that my mother told me about along with the other nicknames for fathers friends , Lupin , James and Peter.....the man my father murdered before the 13 muggles he killed. I agreed that the boys could have the map but if I ever wanted to borrow it they had to let me seems though I found it.

Time Skip to second year as all they did was cause trouble

I spent 2 weeks before we head back to Hogwarts with the twins at the burrow , I shared a room with Ginny still which was fun and made us incredibly close , all we spoke about was the Weird sister's , and I would help her break into the broom cupboard. Time at the Weasleys overall was never boring and the twins caused just as much trouble for Molly and Arthur as they did at Hogwarts, they appeared to like annoying Percy and scaring poor Ron-nee , so I would go into his room and have mid night feasts with him just to cheer him up and plot his revenge.We went Diagon alley together and I met up with Dora"so what are you going to do when you leave Hogwarts?"
"well... I really want to be an aura,"
"yh do it , you will be totally bad ass!" Dora smacked me gently round my head for my bad language but we laughed
"So your really close to the Weasleys now ay?""yh they're a great bunch,"
"Do I hear wedding bells?" Dora smirked , I blushed furiously while I thought of Fred but I had decided that our friendship was to good to ruin on romance"I'm to young for stuff like that N YM P H R A D O R A " I emphasised her full name making her hair go slightly red but she laughed it off."speaking of wedding bells , how come you haven't got a boyfriend yet tons of guys like you?" she shrugged
"I don't like any of them , to childish I want someone more mature " I smiled and nodded in understandment."so anything interesting happened?"
"appart from the twins getting in massive trouble with molly at one point , nothing much" suddenly I felt a pear of arms loop around my shoulders
"Talking about us N?N?" Dee (Fred) said
"I am honoured," Dumb continued
"yh yh whatever" we spent the rest of the day at Diagon alley together , when Fred told me how they where going to try out for beaters in the Griffindor Quidditch team this year
"Why don't you try out for them team Y/N?" Dora asked me
"I don't know , I might do."At Hogwarts me , Lee and the twins avoided getting in any trouble until the Quidditch try-outs so the teachers couldn't stop us from trying out. The day -luckily- came quickly. Me and Angelina and Cedric (as he wanted to watch ) walked down to the quidditch pitch together "what position you trying out for Ange?"
"chaser you?"
"chaser as well," we smiled brightly at each other while linking arms. As we arrived we saw the Gryffindor quidditch team ,Gingy (Charlie) as the captain and seeker and a boy with honey brown eyes who I think is Oliver Wood as he had a thick Scottish accent. Suddenly me and Ange felt something slam into the back of us pushing on the floor"what the heck!" Angelina yelled grumpily"oh come on Ange you love me really.." George winked mischievously at her while Angelina let out a scoff but I saw her cheeks go a little red causing me to smirk evilly. I turned to Fred and gave him a look which made him chuckle while he gave me a hand to hep me up , which I gladly accepted his hands where surprisingly soft but also firm. But me being me  I pulled him into the mud with me and Angelina causing all the Gryffindor's around us to laugh. Soon practise begun and I used the training I did with Dora and Ginny to catch the quaffle while flying around obstacles and passing it to Angelina- who caught it with ease. We carried on when the Slytherin team flew up to us , which caused everyone to stop and group together both houses giving each other murderous glares"what do you want Martin?" Charlie said with pure venom the Slytherin captain smiled and waved his hand in the air suddenly a  girl from Slytherin pushed Ange off her broom but I quickly flew down and caught her placing her gently on the ground before flying back up taking a place next to Fred."what the hell was that for!?" the girl chuckled before whipping her wand out and casting a spell at me , all I remember was seeing black an falling. Later at the Hospital WingI woke up to the Gryffindor's from practise around me , I woke up grudgingly "what's up guys , I feel like I am on my death bed," they all looked down at me and grinned widely while relief filled their eyes."stupid Slytherin shot a spell at you ," Angelina said" and you fell off your broom so Me , Fred and Wood shot down to try and catch you ," George continued"luckily Fred caught you in the nick of time," Oliver finished ,
"thanks everyone , anyway I feel fine now." I looked round " wait where's Charlie and Fred?"
"oh Fred hit the Slytherin captain in the face and Charlie 'helped' by 'trying' to pull Fred off him , don't worry he got let off though it was bloody amazing " Cedric laughed along with everyone else. the rest of the year consisted of the usual and the twins and Angelina and Y/N obviously got in the team
Time skip to there third year as not much happens except detentions, pranks and Y/N family drama and getting closer with the Weasleys and Cedric , particularly Fred....


A lot has happened my mother slowly kept disappearing over and over again , I have also noticed she's putting weight on but that could be me and my brother have spent lots of time at Andromedas and Teds place and when I am not there I am at the Weasleys, or popping round to see Cedric. My brother has a girlfriend now , Ruth , which took a lot of getting use to but she is very very beautiful and talented , . And my brother told me some interesting news that Marcus Flint has a crush on me since I joined the quidditch team last year , with the twins,  which I don't believe for a second as I am evil to  Marcus after the stunt he pulled on Fred by hitting a bludger right at him when he's a chaser. I also have a new ship George and Angelina , there just too friggin cute together.

Again sorry this was boring and stuff and very badly wrote , but good news ITS GONNA GET INTERESTING NOWWW

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