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Time Skip
The twins and me were walking with percy and the trio as the twins yelled
"Make way for the heir of Slytherin , seriously evil wizard coming through..."
"Its not a laughing matter," Percy said seriously
"Oh get out of the way Percy," I said
"Harrys in a hurry,,," Fred finished
"Yeah hes off to the chamber of secrets for a cup of tea with his fanged servant," George added , usually Ginny would laugh at the twins and mine antics but everytime Fred or Geroge asked Harry who his next attack was she would wail for them to stop it. What is up with her lately i thought worriedly .I really need to sneak into her dorm room.

At last the term ended, and a silence deep as the snow on the grounds descended on the castle. Me and Harry along with Hermione and the Weasleys had the whole of Gryffindor Tower, which meant we could play Exploding Snap loudly without bothering anyone, and practice dueling in private. But of course Percy was a grumpy git and disapproved of our behaviour leaving the common room.

CHristmas morning

Me and Hermione has been up an hour adding lace wing to the potion and now it was finally ready so we returned to the dorm her going to Harry and Rons dorm with their present as I did the same but with the twins. As i walked in i opened the curtains causing them to groan before calling Ginny my sidekick in as well , she walked over to the boys beds pushing them off their mattresses with me as we laughed at them falling face first on the ground , I gave her a side hug as I was happy to see her laugh then past her a present bfore throwing the twins theres as they sat up groggily rubbing there eyes. Me and Ginny exchange a look before screaming

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!" the twins flinched shocked before standing up running over to me and Ginny to try and tickle us as we both squealed running down the stairs to the common room as we heard them shut their dorm door. Christmas day was fantastic and Fred had bewitched Percys badge to say Pinhead which he hadnt realised so everytime he asked what we weree nsickering at we couldnt help but laugh more. Me and Ginny stood in the great hall dancing to the new Weird Sisters album cheerfully as the boys played chest and the twins plotted something , but everytime I tried to look the would practically jump over the bit of paper saying its top secret , but I just shrugged it off they are probably going to prank me or something I dreaded.

Time skip

I had transformed and was currently sitting on Goyle/Harrys shoulder as Crabbe/Ron was beside us with Percy marching over to us
"What're you doing down here?" said Ron/Crabbe
"That," Percy said stiffly, "is none of your business. It's Crabbe, isn't it?"
"Wh — oh, yeah,".
"Well, get off to your dormitories," said Percy sternly. "It's not safe to go wandering around dark corridors these days."
"You are," Ron/Crabbe pointed out
"I am a prefect. Nothing's about to attack me."
"There you are,"Craco exclaimed marching up to us, looking at us and the me on Harry/Goyles shoulder confusedly . "Have you two been pigging out in the Great Hall all this time? I've been looking for you; I want to show you something really funny."

Time skip to Malfoy insulting the weasleys

Ron/Crabbe was looking furious and I was to so I jumped off Goyles shoulder and started running over toh im as he squealed standing on the sofa like a girl as I made my way up to bite or scratch him however Harry/Goylegrabbed me as Draco ordered him to throw me out the common room , shit I screwed up. Harry put me outside as I transformed back to normal going back to the bathroom to check on Hermione who was a frickin Cat women!

"Hermione come out we have loads to tell you!" Harry yelled

"Go away she squeaked," as I gave her a hug. In the end she came out as we persuaded her to go to the hospital wing and luckily Madam Pomfrey didnt ask to many questions. The boys told me all what they found out and it was very interesting information especially how rons going to tell his father were to look in Malfoys house.

Sorry this ones short and double sorry for how long it's taken to update. Home learning and going back to school and just overall everything has about destroyed me lol. No lie I have 30 over due peices of work , possibly more😅 Anyway thanks for everyone reading don't forget to voteeee💕

OH YEAH! I am doing the New Years chapter next , hope you all remember what's happening then 😏😏😏

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