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All the students made our way down to the quidditch stands , the weather was a bit dull and there seemed to be a hint of thunder , this game is going to be very interesting. Me and the twins went into the locker rooms and pulled on our scarlet quidditch robes before sitting down to listen to words of wisdom from Oliver.

To be honest though he just pointed out the obvious , from the Slytherins brooms being better than all of ours and how we have been training lots threw all weathers , me and George both had a small sarcastic comment to that point

"Yh I have not been properly dry since august," he mumbled

"I have never had to brush so many knots out my damn hair ," both of us said this at the same time and chuckled lightly as Wood turned to Harry basically saying it's all up to him being the seeker.

"Damn Oliver he's just a kid take it easy," I said wrapping my arm around Harrys shoulders reassuringly while grinning stupidly

"Yh so no pressure Harry!" Fred winked at him.

We got up and made our way to the pitch to hundreds of roars of applause and cheering from multiple houses , and the lovely boos and hisses from the Slytherins . Madam Hooch made the team captains , in this case Wood and Flint , shake hands as Flint winked at me so in return I stuck my middle finger up at him bored of his flirting

"On my whistle," Madam Hooch yelled "Three...two...one..." the crowd all yelled as we got on our brooms and raised to the air Harry flying higher than any of us. I turned to look at Fred and George who did small thumbs up at me as I got ready to get the quaffle and hopefully push Flint off his broom , I raced off along with Alicia and Angelina like in practise blocking out all my thoughts except what we did in training.

We were mid way through the game when it started to rain heavily , that's when I noticed something weird a bludger was not leaving Harry alone meaning Fred and George stuck to his side like glue , I saw George signalling to Wood for a time out and luckily he noticed. Madame Hooch blew the whistle as Fred and George dived down as I watched from the air , me and Alicia looked at each other worriedly before flying down

"Go back to the rest of the team and let me deal with the rogue one." I walked in on Harry saying determinedly

"Don't be thick," said Fred. "It'll take your head off." I nodded to Fred's comment , Alicia said to Oliver how this was insane while Harry argued back having almost as much stubbornness and competitiveness as Oliver , this is not gonna go well I thought , eventually we started the game again the rain reflecting my mood of dread as it got heavier , everything went so fast and I hadn't noticed Harry zoom by me causing the bludger to break the tip of my broom sending me crashing into the ground not long after me crashing Harry did the same , I felt something crack painful though in my ankle and looked down realising I handed landed on my ankle funny making it turn the other way , gross I cringed.

"Ow you f***** b******,"I said under my breath , but that's when I saw the bludger trying to hit Harry still so I rushed over ignoring the pain screaming in my ankle and pulled Harry from the armpits backwards so the bludger didn't hit him "You ok Harry? "I asked , he nodded a bit shaken up as the small crowd came running over to check on him so I got up and grabbed my broken broom using it as a kind of crutch. If my look couldn't get any worse Flint came over seeing me struggling to stand

"Come any closer and I will ..." I tried to think of something but at the moment I was hobbling around with a crutch "I'll head but you." I glared as he laughed coming over any way , I would head but him but his head is way to high for me to reach , and my forehead is not going anywhere near his chest that's just a major no no

"Let me help you to the Hospital Wing," he said

"I don't want your help I don't like you," I scowled but he just rolled his eyes before putting my arm over his shoulder and helping me to the hospital wing even though I protested the entire way, to be honest though no one saw me leaving as they were all busy fussing over Harry as the twins ressled the rogue bludger back in the box , but to be honest I didn't mind Harry is way more important plus my Dad did something that could never be undone to ruin that boys life

At the Hospital Wing

"Thanks I guess...this doesn't mean we are friends though." I added quickly sitting in a hospital wing bed , Flint just smirked before heading out as the trio came rushing in with Harry. However as I looked at Harry his arm seemed kind of...boneless I guess and to say Madame Pomfrey was annoyed was an understatement "You should have come straight to me! I can mend bones in a second — but growing them back —"

"You will be able to, won't you?" said Harry desperately. "I'll be able to, certainly, but it will be painful," said Madam Pomfrey grimly, throwing Harry a pair of pyjamas. "You'll have to stay the night..." she then walked over to me handing me some pyjamas

"But you said you could heal bones in a heartbeat?" I asked before gripping my side cringing in pain

"As I thought the fall had caused more damage to your internal organ than that bruise did," I was stunned , had my mother really caused so much damage , I saw the trio look at me curiously, but I just waved grinning

"Don't worry , I just fell over in the holiday and bashed my side that's all," they all nodded before going back into conversation, then Hermione came over to help me into ,my pyjamas while Ron helped Harry into his

"Thanks Hermine," I grinned

"I don't believe you about the bruise for something like that to happen a lot of impact must have caused it and not getting it checked out in the first place," she stated smartly , I chuckled

"Don't worry about me kiddo," I grinned as she just scowled at me ... damn she can be scary but in the end she just turned around and went to the boys , that's when Filch and the Gryffindor team muddy and soaked came barging after Filch to check on us with sweets and all sorts , Oliver begun complimenting Harry and explaining Marcus yelling at Malfoy. While Angelina and Alicia came and sat near me

"What happened to you Y/N?" Ange asked sitting at the end of my bed

"Long story short had an injury over the holiday was cocky and didn't get it checked out , so when the bludger broke my broom and I fell to the ground it made that injury worse along with breaking my ankle which is fine now," her mouth was shaped as an O as I felt some eyes looking at me concerned and it was no other than Fred , so I just looked at him and smiled reassuringly

"How did you get to the hospital Wing?" I cringed at the thought of the person who had helped me

"Marcus..." I muttered quietly as Angelina looked at me with confusion and disgust at the thought of Flint "Trust me I am not happy about it either but I didn't want to cause a sce-"

"Scene , typical Y/N," Alicia joked as the mini party was to begin but Madam Pomfrey yelled for everyone to get out as Harry and apparently me needed our rest. Honestly such a stick in the mud.

Sorry its been so long since I updated , home learning is literally destroying me lol

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