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You were just minding your own business, being a mature adult and being in your own world until you saw Fushiguro.

You weren't dating him or anything but you loved to annoy flirt with him, get on his nerves it was your favorite pass time along with him playing along of course.

So you came running over to him with your mask that covers all of your face, showing no emotion.

Fushiguro quickly turned to where he heard the rushed footsteps coming from only to see you and he groaned out of annoyance before he side stepped your attempt to hug him, making you lose your balance and fall to the ground with a thud.

"Why did you avoid me hot stuff!" You whined as you sat up quickly to look at him.

"Dont start today please, i got scolded by your brother yesterday for the same thing your trying to do today."

He said while pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers.

You grinned as you stood up and wrapped and arm around him before whispering into his ear, "I'm brother has nothing to do with what happens between us though I could show you things you've never seen before."

You looked over to his face to see it erupted into a bright red and he was frozen to the stop as you laughed and said, "(Y/N) one, Fushiguro zero!"

You looked away from him for just a second to calm down but you didn't expect arms to wrap around your waist and bring you closer before you feel his breath on your neck as he said lowly, "Let's hope it doesnt go that far as to where he finds out about it."

Though your face was hidden under a mask and you had and under mask on, it still didn't stop the blood from your nose as it flowed down to your chin and in view of others.

Fushiguro chuckled while you felt the vibrations off his chest and you put a hand to your mask before taking it off.

This suprised him a bit but not as much since he figured you need to clean the blood off your face.

You took off your mask and pulled down your face mask before wiping the residue blood but you didn't stop there as you turned to Fushiguro to find him looking straight at you, you grinned making him freeze while you pulled closer to him and pecked his cheek.

You then quickly pulled up your mask but you couldn't put your mask on as Fushiguro grabbed your wrist stopping it and kissed your forehead.

Your cheeks flushed before you both heard and angry voice yell from a distance, "Wha- Hey! What are you doing to my little sister you heathen! I'm going to kill you!"

You finally put your mask on and you both turned to the voice to see Gojo there running at high speeds towards you.

You looked over to Fushiguro to hear him grumble something before running away from you as Gojo passed you and said all mighty, "Dont worry (Y/N)! I'll save you!"

You just laughed as the footsteps got further and further away.

This was a request from cream_puff24!! Thank you soo much for the request I hope this is what you wanted and if not please tell me how I can make it better. Anyways I hope you enjoyed!!

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