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You are a Jujutsu Scorcerer, not a strong one more like a helper of sorts since you weren't one for fighting and more of support like Ijichi.

Anyways you'd always go to this bread shop with your higher up Nanami to buy, well bread.

You guessed Nanami didnt like you because hes always act cold and say, "I dont need a pathetic person like you to come along."

It hurt when he said that but dispite his insults youd still go with him because you like no actually you loves his company.

Youd both go before the start of the day but once you got there today and bought your bread you saw Nanami talking with the cashier.

You walked up to them but you saw Nanami shake his head and left, leaving you there too.

You sighed as the time you both spent together was now ruined because his bread didnt sell here anymore.

The cashier noticed your sudden sadness in your mood as he said, "Miss? If your worried about him not getting his bread anymore. Theres bread shop selling it across town though itll take time to get there."

You looked at him happily and said, "Really?! Thank you, this means a lot to me!"

He just nodded after giving you the location as you went to check it out. The trian ride was a thirty minute one so it was quite a lot of time for a shauman as you made it there and walked inside to see his bread.

There was a lady at the front as she said, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

You shook your head and said, "No I was just browsing for now." The lady nodded in response as you left with a smile on your face.

The day went by slowly for some reason as you sat at home doing nothing since like before you were a helper and you guessed no one needed help that day.

Once it was the next day you plan was set in motion, get Nanami his bread in the morning operation commence.

You woke up at your normal timing and went to the train station immediately and stayed on it for thirty minutes.

Once it stopped you got off and walked to the bread store that you browsed yesterday to see it was open as you smiled and walked in.

The lady from yesterday was at the register and say was you looked straight at a certain bread and grabbed it swiftly before you walked over to her.

You pulled pit your wallet as she said the price before saying, "You seemed determined to buy this. Is there some spcial occasion?"

You gave her the money and said, "Kind of, I'm buying it for someone who loves this bread but our side of town doesnt sell it anymore."

She nodded in understanding as you grabbed the bread and walked over to the door only to hear her say, "I hope they like it!"

You turned to her and smiled with a wave in return before you left for the train station again.

Once you got on you held the bread in your hands as to not squish it by holding it lightly but you still held it as to not let it fall. This bread was your top priority right now and you will not fail.

You may not see Nanami a lot, especially now, but you were that one person that would walk your friend to their house before you left for your so you knew where he worked.

Though everytime you walked with him into the building he would always tell you to "Fuck off" but kind of politely.

The train stopped after the thirty minute ride was over you quickly got off and make a straight B-line for the apartments a few blocks down.

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