[Fushiguro] Fight

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You had always been kid of known to be clingy or annoying in a type of way.

Everytime you saw your boyfriend you would run up to him or basically jump on top of him as a say of saying hi.

But he hates this to no end, you invaded his personally space and embarrassed him everytime it happened while others were around.

One day you saw him finish training so you ran up to him and hugged him quickly saying, "Hey Megumi!"  He was already irritated and now felt embarrassed too, so he growled out, "Knock it off (Y/N)! Its embarrassing!"

You quickly let go and stepped back a bit before you said quietly, "Then I'll just go then."

Megumi reached out to stop you with no success as he say you run off quickly, likely your room.

He felt guilty, he didnt really mean to say it like that but he just wanted to look cool for the others he really didnt mean to hurt your feelings yet he didnt run after you.

As you ran you held back the overwhelming feeling of being a burden to him as you think, "God I'm stupid, of course he doesnt do public affection. It's literally his personality."

After the incident you had stopped running up to him, showing your affection proudly, and you now usually walked up to him quietly and said, "Hey Megumi."

Whenever you knew he wasn't doing anything at the moment but if he was busy he wouldn't see you in sight.

Megumi was worried before but now he was concerned, you weren't acting like your self after that little fight so he went looking for you.

You were in your room at the moment just staring up at your wall blankly as you thought, "Its been two weeks and he hasn't yelled at me yet so I guess I'm doing something right."

You were scared, scared of rejection, scared of him hating you, scared he might leave so you changed yourself a bit so he wouldn't. You were desperate.

Megumi looked in the halls, in the lunchroom, in the yard, so the last place he checked was your room.

He knocked in your door with no answer, he knocked again only to hear you say after a bit, "I'm coming."

You walked towards the door with s frown before you opened the door to see Megumi, you thought quickly, "Small smile, not too much."

You had a small smile on your face now as you said, "Megumi? Aren't you supposed to be training?"

He rubbed the back of his head before he said, "I was worried, your not as energetic as you used to be and I barely see you unless I'm not busy, so I thought something was wrong since you stopped doing your thing."

You looked at him confused as you allowed him in and said, "What thing?" He walked in as you closed the door before he said, "You stopped doing your hello to me and it.. it bugs me."

You looked at him before you dryly laughed and said suprised, "You seemed annoyed by it so I thought I'd stop it all so you wouldn't be annoyed anymore."

He stares at you before he remembered easily the way he acted two weeks ago that last time you said your hello and he felt even more guitl before.

He quickly said, "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking straight, Itadori was getting stronger than me so I was irritated so when you interrupted my break. I lashed out."

He walked over to you before he wrapped you up in a hug tightly, not letting you go. You slowly wrapped your arms around his chest before you hugged him close to you.

He pulled you back and said softly, "I'm sorry for the way I acted. I love the way you show others yous passion in this relationship, and how you greet me. It makes me feel special."

You nodded quickly as he bpright you back in again and said, "Dont do it again, I hate it." You nodded with a smile and som tears flowing freely down your cheeks.

You both stayed that way for a bit before he walked you both over to the bed as you both laid down just enjoying eachothers company.

By the next day ypu had already returned to your hold habits of hugging him everytime you saw him or when he was around you happily say I love you.

You loved doing it as much as he love you.

Oh geez whoopies daisy, dont mind if I just go to Sukuna. Anyways I hope you enjoyed!

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