Maki had to go on a week long mission seing as she needed to while you were stick at the school.
She had told you she had this mission but it still hurt when she was gone and there was nothing you could do about it because you weren't gonna tell her to give up her job for you, that's just horrible.
She couldn't text or call you seeing as she would be busy and try not ot give herself away and you understood that as well.
You were worried she would be hurt and you wouldnt be able to help her but that was a normal feeling everytime she left and you knew she could handle herself.
Anytime you would come in contact with others they noticed your gloomy attitude and would always ask, "What's wrong? Are you ok?"
You would just shake them off and say, "Yeah just woke up on the wrong side of the day today that's all."
The reason you did this was because you and Maki had to keep your relationship under wraps for many reasons, her clan being the main one.
Currently you were walking down the empty halls until you saw Gojo walking opposite of you as he decided to interact with your gloomy self by saying, "(Y/N)! What's up?"
Once he was now walking with you since you didnt stop to chat you sighed out, "Just missing someone that's all."
You glanced up at him to see he was nodding in acknowledgement befor ehe said knowingly, "About your girlfriend?"
Oh yeah the only person who knows about your relationship is Gojo because he knows 🌌Everything🌌.
So you nodded agreeing before your shoulders slumped just thinking about it as he said smartly, "Why dont you call her then."
You continued to look forward are you said, "I already tried. I'm guessing shes in a place where she donest have service nor wifi or she turned off her phone as to not get caught."
He hummed before he groaned loudly and said, "Man! Your so hopeless!" You huffed crossing your arms as you said, "What do you mean by that."
You stare up at Gojo as you see him grin before saying with his hands making a heart, "Your soo hopelessly in love with her!"
You knew that hell it was obvious just by the way you were acting but he didnt have to sing it to the world and loudly singing, "(Y/N) and Maki sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love! Then co-"
You jumped up to him and cupped his mouth with your hand and you growled out, "Gojo knock it off! You know others cant know about us especially other clan heads!"
He removed your hand from his mouth as he pat your back and said calmly, "I'm just messing with you. Calm down, I'm sure you'll see her soon just hang on tight and don't worry about it."
He walked off after that leaving you alone as you grumbled out, "Oh what help you were."
You continued your way to your destination as the rest of the day went by slowly. Now you laid in your room on your bed at three in the morning.
You did go to sleep but you soke up and couldn't go back to sleep no matter how hard you tried.
You sighed and said quietly, "Just like the quote said, 'You know your in love when you cant fall alseep because the reality is finally better than your dreams' Doctor Seuss and his truthful words."
You felt your heart tighten a bit just at the thought as you placed your hand over your heart before you smiled thinking of Maki. The person who stole your breath and made your heart beat no matter where she was.
You moved your hand as you sat up making the bread cheek with the movement before you got off and walked to the door.
You put on your jacket quickly along with some shoes as you opened your dorm door and left with no goal in mind other than to walk.
And you did, you walked around aimlessly until you spotted a spot to sit and calm your thoughts.
It was cherry blossom tree with a pond not to far away as there was a perfect sitting spot too so you walked over to the tree a d sat down leaning against it.
You looked at the pond on front of you and the tree swayed calmly with the breeze and the pond reflected the moon into it's clear waters.
There was little ripple here and there from the koi fish swimming around and the wind blowing the water as you made the moon look wavy.
The smell of the cherry blossom tree flowers covered the area giving off a calming aroma.
I closed my eyes and took in a big breath taking it the smell of the flowers as you once again placed a hand upon your chest where your heart laid beating.
A small smile came upon your face as your heart beat faster as you once again thought of Maki, her smile, attitude, hugs, warmth, height, everything.
You were brought out of your thoughts as a big breeze came by as it sent shivers down your spine while you held the jacket closer to yourself before you heard someone say, "(Y/N)? What are you doing here?"
You turned to the voice to see Maki as you stood up quickly and ran over to her, running into her embrace as you said, "I couldn't sleep so I decided to come out here."
Maki hugged back and said quietly, "You could have caught a cold weirdo. Why couldn't you sleep, are you feeling well?"
You nodded before you let go and stepped back with a warm smile plastered on your face. You said happily, "I work up and thought about you so I couldn't go back to sleep."
You saw the blush come to her cheeks as she sighed before grabbed your wrist and started walked, dragging you with.
She grumbled out, "You and your stupid truths. Your soo adorable how do I control you and your nonsense."
You laughed lightly a shou moved your hand so you were now holding her hand instead of her holding your wrist before Maki turned to you and stated, "Your sleeping with me this time so we dont have another person walk in on up sleeping together."
Small story time, Gojo found out about your relationship when he barged into your room when you both were sleeping and finding out then, yeah without knocking.
Anyways once you go to her room a sseh unlocked it and entered she took off her shoes and went to put away her weapons as you took off your jacket and shoes before closing the door behind you.
You heard footsteps come your way as you looked up and there stood Maki as she took out her ponytail letting her hair flow freely.
She yawned out staring at you, "Let's get going, I've had quite the day and I'm sure your tired too."
You nodded as you took her hand while she walked over to the bed and took you with her as you laid in her arms comfortably.
You kissed her lightly and said quietly, "Goodnight Maki." She yawned again before kissing your forehead and saying, "Goodnight to you too."
I wanted you guys to know how it feels to be completely in love because big news I was going through these same feelings while making this. Ive been missing my partner because my parents aren't supportive so we gotta keep it on the down low but this is how I feel whenever I'm not with them, i feel like a chain is wrapped around my heart tightly and when I'm with them they unlock it as I feel like I'm in cloud nine without a care. Anyways I hope you enjoyed!

Jujutsu Kaisen One Shots
FanfictionAs told from the title this is a one shot book for Jujutsu Kaisen. I do not do lemons, I am not comfortable with writing those but freit not if you have anxiety about they're being sad endings I do NOT do angst. You are welcome. I do not own Jujutsu...