[Gojo] Best Dad Award

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You had a rough time at work seeing as you didnt get home until late last night. So you were passed out on your shared bed while Gojo stood over you before he bent down and kissed your forehead lightly.

He didnt want to wake you so he decided to let you sleep in today so he could also have some 'father daughter' bonding time.

Gojo quietly left your room as he made his way across the hall to his little angels room.

He opened the door quietly only to notice she was awake before he smiled and closed the door before saying, "(D/N- Daughter's Name), would you like to go with daddy to his job?"

The little girl bounced on the bed and said excitingly, "Yeah yeah! I do I wanna go!"

Gojo walked over to her bed before he lifted her up no problem seeing those beautiful details she had as white bed hair, (E/C) eyes, and your smile.

Gojo smiled being reminded of his lover as he then said quietly with a finger to his lips, "Then let's go but be quiet. Mommy needs sleep so we gotta sneak past her."

(D/N) nodded quickly before she put both her hands to her mouth and covered them before nodded and then saying quietly muffled by her hands, "Shhhhhh!"

Gojo nodded before he lightly put her head into his shoulder to cover her eyesight as he basically teleported out of the house and a few meters away just to be safe.

He let (D/N) look away before he spotted some of the students before he yelled out, "You guys look at her! My angel has shown you her presence once again!"

The students turned around for Gojo to see it consisted of Fushiguro, Maki, Itadori, and Toge. The others were no where in sight.

Gojo walked over to them as they made they're way over to him as well, meeting halfway before Gojo put down his little angel.

She quickly chose her first victim to be Todo as she ran straight for him, only for Todo to pick her up.

She giggled a bit giving him a big hug as he smiled and said, "Its so great to see you again! What's your type of person?!"

Gojo sent Todo a glare as he ignored him as (D/N) put her small hand to her chin in thought before she smiled before pointed to her dad.

She closed her eyes with a big smile on her face before she said, "I want daddies type because hes the bestest dad ever. Oo! And because mommy loves him a lot a lot."

Todo sighed as he glanced up at Gojo in dissatisfaction seeing Gojo had a white handkerchief in his hand waving it around like a flag as he cried out happily, "I'm a great father! My little girl is so great."

Todo looked back at (D/N) and said, "That's a very bad type but I'll accept it for now."

Right after he said that he got hit in the head slightly as he turned to see Maki hit him before she said annoyed, "Dont ask her things like that!"

Todo set (D/N) down as Maki scolded him for his ways before she picked her next target to be Fushiguro.

She jumped towards him, forcing him to grab her or she would've been hurt before he had a small smile in his face and pat her gently. "What are you up to (D/N)? Do you want me to bring the dogs out to play with?"

(D/N)'s eyes grew in excitement before Gojo glared at him telling him not to just by his stare as Fushiguro scoffed and looked away.

(D/N) pat Fushiguro's head as he looked away with a blush when she said, "I like your hair. It's really really soft! Like a puppy!"

While (D/N) was playing with Fushiguro's hair, Toge walked up to her and said, "Tuna Tuna."

Fushiguro looked over to Toge once his face wasn't beat red anymore as everyone heard (D/N) say seriously, "Apple pie."

Maki stopped scolding Todo to look over as Gojo burst out laughing with the rest of them laughing with, Toge smiled and nodded pretending to understand what she meant.

(D/N) then smiled back to normal as Itadori now walked up to her, next to Toge. Fushiguro brother mode activated whipped his head over to Itadori and growled out, "Your not allowed to touch her."

He moved his arms so she was now sitting on his waist the was furthest away from him. Itadori whined with grabby hands and said, "Come on I didnt get to hold her last time either!"

Before Fushiguro could tell him no again (D/N) kicked off of Fushiguro going airborne until Itadori caught her quickly as he smiled brightly while she just laughed.

Gojo walked closer just in case Sukuna decided to come visit as Itadpri said, "How are you doing?" (D/N) smiled brightly before saying, "I'm great! Im happy I get to see you all!"

Itadori held her with one hand while the other one held his chest where his heart was before a mouth appeared on his cheek saying, "Shut up brat."

Gojo started walking over to Itadori ready to grab her before (D/N) brought up two fingers stabbing his eye hardly saying, "Go away weirdo."

He growled in anger before he left seeing as his eye was stabbed before Itadori burst out laughing as Gojo sighed before taking her away from him saying, "That's enough of that."

Itadori said out wheezing, "She. Sukuna. Sukuna is so mad that she a little girl suppressed him by force!"

Gojo smiled as he high fived (D/N) before they all heard someone say, "What ar you all doing?"

Gojo's head whipped over to you as you walked up to him before he said, "We were all hanging out with (D/N), having fun."

"Yeah yeah!" You heard (D/N) cheer as she was holding onto Gojo with a hand in the air before you sighed and said, "You should've woken me up Satoru."

Gojo frowned before he walked over to you with (D/N) still in his arms before be said, "You had a rough day yesterday so you needed sleep."

Ignoring the students that stood behind you two you said, "Ok I'll let it slid this time." You turned to (D/N) and said softly, "Woudl you like to stay with dad or would you like to come with me?"

(D/N) without hesitation said happily, "I wanna hangout with them. Were having fun." You nodded before looking past Gojo to see they all held white handkerchiefs in the air with tears falling like waterfalls.

You smiled and shook your head before you looked back to Gojo and said, "Ok you both better be back by dinner." Gojo nodded in acknowledgement before he placed (D/N) down on the ground before he walked right up to you and kissed you.

You smiled into the kiss before he pulled back and turned to everyone with a peice sign and said to (D/N), "I'm such a great dad aren't i?!" She nodded and said, "The bestest!"

So the updates are going to be a lot slower back to it's normal updates because well when I started posting everyday I had too much drafts so I had to post them. Anyways I hope you enjoyed!

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