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You were exhausted from the mission that day but you just couldn't fall asleep no matter what you tried, it was as if you weren't even tired at all.

You sigh as you bring your knees to your chest as you put your head on your knees, just staring at your wall.

"Why can't I fall asleep?" You say to yourself as you look around your room to see if there is anything you could do to fix the dilemma you're in but found nothing.

You look over to your phone thinking of your boyfriend Fushiguro, as you grabbed your phone to see if he was online to find he wasn't.

You laugh quietly as you say, "Of course he isn't awake, I wouldn't even be able to catch him to be awake at 11, so he's definitely not awake at 2 in the morning."

You put your phone down before laying down, as you now stare at the roof.

You close your eyes to see if you'd just fall asleep but you still couldn't as you thrashed in your bed angrily that you couldn't fall asleep and that you weren't going to get enough sleep for tomorrow.

"Screw it." You said under your breath as you throw your comforter off your body as you put on a pair of slippers and walk out of your room.

It was a coldish night so you got the chills as you wrapped your arms around your chest as you shuffled over to Fushiguro's door and knocked on the door lightly.

You wait a few seconds but the door doesnt move so you sigh and thought, "This was a bad idea anyway, how stupid of me."

You start to walk away from his room but before you could fully walk away you hear footsteps walk up to the door and it creaks open as he says, "(Y/N)? What's wrong?"

You turn back to him as you say quietly, "I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd come see you, sorry if I woke you up i thought there was that one slim chance of you being awake at this hour."

You look down sad you woke him up but you got knocked out of your thoughts by the sounds of footsteps coming towards you as you then feel someone grab your wrist softly.

You look up to him just as he sighs and says, "Don't be sorry, come on." He leads you to his room and pushes you inside as he closes and locks the door behind you guys.

You just stand there not knowing what he's doing as he walks past you and crawls into his bed before making room for you as well as he says yawning, "If you can't sleep then sleeping with me might help. Now come on, it's getting cold (Y/N)."

You blush slightly as you shuffle your way over to him with your slippers at the door as you cuddle into his chest as he puts his blanket over you, keeping you warm.

He puts an arm around you as well as you stuffed your face into his chest.

You mumble, "Thanks Megumi, I love you."

He put a tired smile on his face as he kissed your head saying, "Love you too."

You slowly fall asleep in his warm embrace as he watches you fall asleep, he refused to fall asleep until he knew you were asleep before he welcomed slumber as well.

So I had a giant inspiration moment last night and I've got some stuff to write down. I hope you enjoyed!

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