[Toji] 'Hangout'

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You were walking I'm the store, minding your own business because why would you talk to someone unless it was absolutely necessary.

You decided that you wanted candy today because why not, you had nothing to do and candy was the solution for this problem.

You grabbed (Candy) and turned to go around the rack only for you to smack into someone.

Your cheeks flushed out of embarrassment as you quickly looked up to make eye contact with the male.

He had a scar over his lip as you said quickly, "Oh my god, I'm soo sorry!"

You bowed to him while oyu felt his stare burning your back before you stood up and quickly walked away scared of what would happen if you stayed any longer.

You made your way to rue cashier only to see a line there as you joined it silently.

After one person left the line moved so you moved up and turned to look behind you to see none as you sighed out of relief.

You watched the person in front of oyu interact with the cashier before they left with they're things in a bag making it your turn to go.

You put the candy on the counter making no noise in doing so before you took pit your money while the cashier counted your things.

They said with annoyance, "That's going to be $3.67 ma'am." You nodded before you gave him the precise amount as to not keep the person behind you waiting.

While he was counting you knew someone had gotten behind you because of their steps stopping right behind you so you look back.

You turned and saw the exact same man you bombed into minutes ago as your nerves doubled.

You quickly turned back to the front as you finally got your money handed back to you as they said, "Have a nice day."

You didnt take any chances so you shoved the money given to you in your bag, grabbed it, and got out of the way, out of the store.

Once you were out of felt yourself calm down a bit, not reassuring yourself as you walked into a nearby back just a block away.

You walked for about three minutes before you found a bench unused and sat on it. Now that you were able to calm down and think clearly you thought back on the male and blushed a bit, he was hot like hot hot.

I mean how wouldnt be if they were wearing a tight black muscle shirt, and baggy faded red sweatpants.

His muscles were showing freely as your cheeked reddened just at the thought. You slowly calmed down and mumbled under your breath, "What's wrong with me?"

You took your candy out of the bag and opened it to eat a bit of it before you heard someone say, "I feel like I have something to do with that."

You jumped and quickly looked over to the other side of the bench that was empty now occupied by the man you were just thinking about.

You just stared at him as he said reading your mind, "I got here a while ago while you were stuck in your thoughts."

Your thoughts went jumbled as you saw his arm was draped over the back of the bench and behind you as you became flustered once again.

He glanced over to you before sitting up straight bringing his arm back as he sighed scratching his head before saying, "Let me see your phone."

You looked at him still not saying a word as he glanced over to you seeing you nodded your head hesitantly.

You got out your phone and tried to put it in his outstretched hand only to fumble with it and drop it.

You said, "I'm sorry my hands. They just uh they wont cooperate with me right now." You went to grab for it only for him to grab it before you and say, "Its called being clumsy no need to apologize."

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