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Chuuya's pov

it has been 1 year since Dazai left, in fact today is exactly one year since then. Now he doesn't cross my mind a lot, I have work and other friends to care about. Mori also assigned me a new partner- Akutagawa. We've known each other, so I kind of like working with him. Obviously, it's not the same as with Dazai.

It was late afternoon and I was eating in some random restaurant, that I have never been to before. I had to pass a message to a Mafia's spy earlier today, just around the corner, and I thought it would be nice to get a good meal before returning.

It was a quiet, relaxing place, if it was closer to my home I would go here more. a big tables and tall chairs covered you from other visitors and gave you some privacy. The food was delicious, and the music calming and peaceful. Not a lot of people know that I'm usually not as hot-headed as I appear. Sure, I get angry easily and always stand my ground, but I lack some peace, from time to time.

I actually enjoy getting away form the city and going to the nature alone, just to stare at the sky, I know it sounds cheasy, but doesn't everyone needs it, once in a while?

Today was one of those days, that I wanted to be alone. Firstly, I just came back from a huge mission, and second, I couldn't get Dazai out of my head, since it has been exactly one year.

I nabbed some more of the chicken in my plate, but felt quite full already. So, I raised my hand to call for a waitress to pay my check, but my voice wasn't heard.

A group of people loudly slammed the doors and came in the restaurant, laughing.

A waitress immediately came to them, so I decided to wait a little. it was a group of 5 men, they looked around my age. I didn't recognise any of them, but they sat in opposite corner, so I could clearly see what those guys were doing, except one.

This sudden noise pulled me out of my peaceful thoughts and got me back in character.

I've seen them for less than a minute, but I already disliked them. They barged in and interrupted this beautiful aura around this restaurant.

I kind off wanted to shout at them, but that would disrupt the aura even more, so I stopped myself.

Suddenly, a familiar man stood up from that one corner that I couldn't see. He was laughing at a blonde tall man with glasses, probably making fun of him.

The man who stood up had curly hair that were just past his chin, and looked as messy as ever. he had a weirdly compositioned outfit, but the colors matched. It was Dazai, couldn't be anyone else.

I caught myself staring and immediately looked away, quickly sliding as close to the wall as possible, so he wouldn't see me.

why now?! why today?! is this some curse that I'm going through?!

I took a couple deep breaths before I could look back at them. Surprisingly, I didn't feel unimaginable amounts of anger or sadness, so I could... tolerate it so far.

Still, now I focused on them. Dazai was making fun of a blonde man, that looked like he wants to punch Dazai.

I watched them for a couple minutes and then realised something. The blonde guy was me. Dazai found someone else to work with, someone else that he could annoy and make fun off. The blonde even reacted the same way I do. It was like watching a little more friendly version of my relationship with Dazai. All the others were also chuckling, like Port Mafia did when they listened to our conversations.

I shook my head and had to look away again. I couldn't stand it. I knew I didn't mean much to Dazai, but it still felt so unfair that he found his new Chuuya, but I haven't found a new Dazai... After all this time I was still alone, but he was fine and happier than when he was with me and Port mafia.

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