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3rd person pov

- Dazai!- Atsushi anxiously shouted.- are you okay?!

- Of course I am,- Dazai walked over to them, the members of ADA were waiting in front of that restaurant doors.

- you're bleeding!- Atsushi shouted again, trying to check out his injured head.

- oh, yeah,- Dazai felt the back of his head soaked in blood and a forming bruise on his ribs.- Kunikida, can I take the day off?

- uh, yeah,- even though Kunikida was used to Dazai's weirdness, he was still worried about him.- who did that to you?

- doesn't matter now,- Dazai smiled and turned around on his heel.- bye bye!

- wait, Dazai!- Atsushi grabbed his hand.- now that I think of it, that man with red hair who walked out just before you, he looked familiar!

- huh?- Dazai couldn't decide whether to lie or not.

- it was him, right? he did this to you!- Atsushi knew that he recognised Chuuya's face, but didn't know where from.

- I already said, it doesn't matter,- Dazai sarcastically sighed, but suddenly felt dizzy.

- of course it does! I will find him and get revenge,- Atsushi promised, he had a serious expression on his face.

- no, you won't,- Dazai pulled his arm out of Atsushi's hands.- don't touch him.

-what? why?!- Atsushi was just worried for his friend.

- because it's none of your business, - Dazai sighed again and walked away without letting Atsushi disagree.

with some doubts, ADA members left Dazai and went back to work, and Dazai swinged around Yokohama's streets, trying to find his apartment without losing consciousness.

Eventually, a few hours passed and the sky started to darken. Dazai was in unknown neighbourhood, he already gave up on trying to find his home. Dazai's head was screaming and he could barely breathe, his ribs were probably broken.

He wanted to call someone, but his phone was lost in the way. All the by-standers just hurried away from him, he did looked quite creepy and drunk.

With his last drop of strength, Dazai found a narrow street with a few big garbage cans blocking the view from the main street.

Dazai weighted his options, and decided that he can't wait anymore. He turned to that trashed street and hid behind the large cans.

His legs gave up and he just fell on the ground, halfly leaning against the dirty wall.

maybe I can finally die,- he thought right before everything went black.


Dazai's eyelids suddenly moved, but he didn't open his eyes just yet. He felt  a hard ground beneath him, but there wasn't any wetness behind his head anymore.

ah, I'm alive,- Dazai thought, disappointed.- I guess it's not that easy to kill me, Chuuya.

After a few attempts he managed to sit up and look around. He was still in the same place, it was night-time and there weren't any street lamps around this trashed corner. He noticed the horrible smell and flies around him, and coughed.

- shit,- Dazai quietly muttered, trying to stand up.

He could stand if he had one hand leaned against the wall, now it was pretty certain that atleast one of his ribs were broken and he prolly had more injuries than he thought.

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