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3rd person's pov

- So everything is going to be fine?- Atsushi asked, smiling at Dazai in his bed.

-I'm going to be discharged after a few days,- Dazai nodded.- I should start walking soon too, till then you're gonna be my transport.

- yeah, yeah,- Atsushi sighed, he could only imagine how bossy Dazai will get about that wheelchair.- oh, where's Chuuya?

- I forced him to go home, but he should be back soon,- Dazai glanced past Atsushi, to the window.

- oh... May I ask something?

- sure, but I might not answer,- Dazai didn't lose his usual mysterious tone.

- He tried to kill you, right?- Atsushi hesitantly started.- How can you forgive him so easily?

Dazai waited a few moments, his eyes were fixated on the sky, that was cloudy and grey, the exact opposite of cheerful weather, but it made Dazai’s eyes brighter.

- there's a saying that you can't be mad at someone you love so dearly, isn't it, Atsushi?- Dazai sincerely smiled, to Atsushi it seemed like he just saw a new side of that brunette, his presence felt calm and more human.

- Love?..-he muttered, staring at Dazai’s bright face.

- yes, love.


- Dazai! Are you an idiot?!- Chuuya shouted, running from the kitchen to the living room in split second and catching Dazai mid-air.

- I thought I could do it!- he angrily muttered, like a kid.

- you're not ready to walk yet! If I need to, I will chain you to that wheelchair!- Chuuya pointed at the lone wheelchair and sat Dazai on the couch.

- I will just yeet myself out of the window then! - Dazai pouted.- I'm so bored!

- sit down and wait till I make you food, dumbass,- Chuuya ordered and turned back to the kitchen.

Chuuya stayed in Dazai’s house for this past month. He would still come back to his own apartment sometimes, but mostly Chuuya took care of Dazai.

The silent guilt still flamed inside him, so he voluntarily offered Dazai to help him, till he can walk again.

Well, it was sure a big challenge for Chuuya. He had to endure Dazai’s constant remarks and attempts to stand, as much as his reviews on every single meal he made.

- Dazai, eat,- he put a plate in front of him, and carelessly fell down on the sofa as well.

- hm...- Dazai closely examined the taste of the first bite.- I might not spit it out this time...

Chuuya just rolled his eyes. Since Dazai couldn't get to him physically, he never missed an opportunity to annoy the hell out of him with words.

- Chuuya can you grant one my request,- Dazai suddenly lifted his head.

- maybe...

- remember that bridge?- Dazai smirked.

- yeah...- Chuuya stared at Dazai’s eyes for a few moments.- No! Absolutely not happening! don't even dream about it!

- but Chuuya~

- no!

- Chu Chu....

- no no no!

- please!

- no...

Both of them stared at each other intensively, they didn't want to lose. Dazai pouted and leaned closer to Chuuya, and the redhead couldn't take it.

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