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3rd person pov

tall brunette man was slowly walking through the streets of Yokohama. it was a windy evening, the sun was almost gone from the sky.

It was Sunday, so for the whole day Dazai was just walking around the city, drinking and messing with random people. For some reason, he felt so free today. maybe it was because of the amount of alcohol, maybe from his sleep deprivation, but he felt like he could do anything he wanted, if he only knew what it was.

It was like he was searching for something, something that would make him feel alive again, he needed an adrenaline rush, but he didn't know what to do.

With every step he was walking closer to his apartment, where he would have to fall asleep like a normal person and waste another day.

At time like this, there wasn't a lot of people outside. The weather wasn't friendly, tomorrow was a business day. However, for Dazai it was even more perfect.

Dazai reached a massive bridge that he walked through every singe day. The wind intensified and his hair was blowed into his face. He had an idea, that he always wanted to do, a suicide attempt that was sure to work.

Dazai looked around, thankfully, there were no people or cars around. in one swift motion, he jumped on a barrier of the bridge and looked down.

so this is it, huh?- he thought.- that will satisfy me...

at the last moment, he looked up at the grey clouds and suddenly his objective changed.

No, this is a boring way to die...

However, he didn't jump down on the ground, instead he put out his arms to the sides and balanced on the barrier, slowly walking to the side, where a massive pole went up.

(I'm talking about a bridge like this, it has those arcs that are going up- poles, towers, call them what you want)

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(I'm talking about a bridge like this, it has those arcs that are going up- poles, towers, call them what you want)

Dazai walked to one of those arcs and looked up. Anything was possible, if he really wanted to do it. there was large iron panels, that were used as a decoration, but Dazai used them as risky stairs going up.

With every step, he felt more and more adrenaline, the risk of falling was massive, if he slipped, that would be the end of him.

The wind became even worse, he almost couldn't see with his hair blowed in his eyes and eventually it started to rain.

I'm almost at the top,- Dazai thought and looked up.

A drop of water fell in his eyes, burning a little bit. there were only a couple meters left, but the panels were extremely slippery and he climbed almost absolutely blind.

I either reach the top, or I die,- Dazai threw his head back and let the rain fall on his face. he felt his knuckles slowly losing the grip of the wet steel, but he didn't move till the last moment and saved himself.

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