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After a few hours, Chuuya walked out of his apartment. At first, he wanted to use his car, but the sky was clear and the moonlight shined brightly, it was a move night, so he decided to breathe some fresh air instead.

This day was so confusing and stressful, Chuuya felt kinda numb. At first, he woke up in Dazai's home, then that happened, and lastly the conversation with Mori, that cruel bastard.

Chuuya felt his fists harden, he still was unsure if he can do it, but he didn't have a choice. No matter what, he couldn't lose his entire life, not even to Dazai.

if it wasn't for the last few weeks, he could decide easily, without any hesitation, but now it was different. Chuuya was sure that Mori knew about their newly found friendship, and he wanted to punish Chuuya in the most cruel way.

That's what angered him the most. Mori knew Chuuya couldn't defy him, and this was mere test, if Chuuya could betray the mafia or not. Probably Mori didn't even care if Dazai dies or no, maybe it was a game to him, and it was Chuuya's move.

what is he going to do? is he gonna kill his former partner and friend? Or is he going to betray the mafia?

That's what Mori is thinking. Who gives a fuck that Dazai is now in the detective agency, who gives a fuck about the secrets that he knows?!

It's just a test, a game! but Chuuya can't change the rules, if he doesn't do that, he will be considered a traitor and Mori will laught in his face.

fine... I will pass this test. But then I will kill you,- Chuuya thought and felt himself frown.- I won't forgive this. You will die next, boss.

He increased his pace and dissappeared into the night shadows.


Chuuya stood in the dark and trashed corner. It was a few meters away from Dazai's favourite bar, he saw the brunette walk in it a few hours ago.

He was patiently waiting, like in any other assassination job. His head was clear and the only thing he could think of, was his objective. This moment he was thankful that not only his body was trained for killing, his mind was too.

Dazai walked in alone, it was a Monday evening after all. Maybe he just wanted to relax for a few hours, after a busy day? However, it was getting seriously late and he still didn't move.

Dazai drank his usual beverage, as he always did with Oda and Ango. Strangely, his glass wasn't the only one placed at the table.

on his right, a full glass was laying, with a small white flower in it, Dazai put it in.

As normal for a Monday evening, the bar was almost empty. An old man was sleeping in the corner and the bartender was busy in the back room, so Dazai had all the time in the world to think.

He thought about a lot of things all at once, but still felt quite calm. It was usual for Dazai to never stop thinking simultaneously about irrelevant topics, however this time it was all connected, but Dazai couldn't point out what exactly he wanted to say.

First of all, he came to this bar because he felt he had to reconnect with Oda today. Something was unsettling him from the moment he woke up. He thought about how his life changed in the past days, and who was the cause of that.

Chuuya... why are you crossing my mind so much lately?..- Dazai sighed.- what would Oda say about him?

Chuuya was short tempered, aggressive and such a hothead, but Dazai still felt drawn to him. Oda was the exact opposite. Calm, honest and reliable...

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