Chapter 4 - The Game

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When I woke up, I was in a dark room.

I was laying on the cold hard floor. I fluttered my eyes open, my head heavy. I was confused. But as I looked around, I saw something that shocked me.

There was a huge Monokuma head with multiple wires connecting to it. It looked awful, like it came straight from a nightmare. The cyan eye stared straight into my soul as I slowly stood up.

"Hello? W-who are you?" I asked.


I looked around, trying to look for any clue as to where I am and what am I doing here. But then, I had a flashback from when the man announced us we were accepted in the game. He said he would "see us in a few weeks".

But why did I remember everything? Why was I still here, in my formal clothes?

Then, a voice rung in the silence, making me jump, letting out a small scream in surprise.

"Welcome, master. I'm glad to have you here! My name is Motherkuma, I will be in charge of making the Monokumas of this game."

Motherkuma? Monokumas? Why is it telling me that?

"W-what? B-But why are you telling me this? Isn't it the whole purpose of the game to keep it a secret?" I asked, confused.

"Voice recognition activated, voice memorized. Software updated."

Motherkuma buzzed, its cyan eye flashing red for a second before turning back to its original color.

"Well, you are this game's Mastermind, it wouldn't be quite convenient for you to not know about your honorable servants."

My blood froze at that moment. It took me a few seconds to assess the situation.

I was in a dark room, with a giant Monokuma head who calls itself Motherkuma in front of me. And it just told me I was the Mastermind of this game.

"Excuse me?! I am what?!"

"You are my master, the Mastermind of this game. You are to make sure the game runs smoothly and according to the schedule provided by the gods, on the table over there."

The gods must have been Team Danganronpa.

I slowly turned around and walked to the table, while also not taking my eyes off the ominous machine.

There, a simple notebook was sitting in the middle of the table. I grabbed it to examine it. A giant Monokuma face decorated the cover. But something else catched my eyes. Just under the Monokuma head, under the word "Mastermind", my name was written, in big bright red letters.

"N-No way... I'm really the Mastermind..."

My grip on the notebook had tightened, my legs felt like jello, my head hurt and my vision became blurry. I couldn't believe what was happening.

I wanted to help everyone, I wanted to make friends, I wanted to get rid of the thing that was haunting my everyday life and possibly future.

But there I was, forced to play the sick role of the Mastermind.

Motherkuma told me everything about this game, from the motives, to the flashback lights, the different murder weapons and ways to kill someone around the school, Kiibo's role, my duties as the Mastermind and everything else...

Except the characters.

The production wanted to try out something new this year. They wanted to get genuine reactions out of the Mastermind to the executions and the characters' personalities, so they decided to keep all of that to themselves.

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