Chapter 9 - Shuichi

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A/N: I have many chapters ready to post so if you want to see more, don't hesitate to vote. :) That really encourages me to post more often.

She quickly went to the TV that was stuck to the wall across from the dining room, in front of three sofas forming a C shape around a small tea table.

She lit it up and immediately, Shuichi popped up on the screen.

Everyone moved to the sofas. I walked there, but I decided to lean against the back of the sofas instead of sitting down.

"These are kind of little robots." said Maki, as they looked at a picture.

The picture showed some small Monokumas that held big cameras.

"Is this what they used to monitor us?" asked Keebo.

"Seems like it." said Shuichi.

Shuichi had a weird look on his face, like he was confused and surprised at the same time.

Then, they all proceeded to get into the elevator that would bring them down to the trial room.

Maki put a hand on Shuichi's shoulder, which seemed to surprise him a little too much.

"We will discover who's the true Mastermind and get out of here, I promise, Shuichi. And I'll help you the whole way."

He smiled nervously, but he didn't say anything. This was unlike him, he would usually snap back with one of his little hope filled statements, but instead, he just stared at the floor.

"Shuichi! We will all be in your hands! I trust you with my whole heart!" said Keebo, a hand over his heart.

This time, I noticed his eyes widen and he swallowed. He looked extremely nervous, even more nervous than during the other trials.

And I can say that for certain, after all, I've rewatched the whole thing to analyze it from my newfound point of view. It was weird, but I could maybe understand a little why this was entertaining to these idiots like that woman over there. It still disgusted me honestly, why do you need to make other people suffer like this if you're looking to have fun? Why not just pull some pranks or stuff like that instead; it's harmless and doesn't ruin fuckin' lives.

"Pooichi looks like he's going to pass out." stated Miu.

"You're right! He does look pretty pale..." said Angie.

"He's probably just nervous, give him a break guys!" said Kaito.

"Yeah, it must be hard being Shuichi! I mean- I'd be prettyyyy nervous too if I carried the entire trials on my back like he does!~" I said with the most mischievous grin I could give.

"Shut it, c*ck sucker!" shouted Miu.

"Make me, you nasty sl*t."

She shrieked and mumbled something back, before we all turned back to the TV.

They were stating facts after facts. They uncovered many many truths; they even revealed some of my own secrets I'd worked so hard to hide. I'd have to punish Shuichi for that later.

Then, they finally revealed the secret behind Rantaro's murder.

That it wasn't actually Kayayayaede.

Both victims looked pretty shocked. Kaede was absolutely horrified and she couldn't even believe it. When they came to the conclusion that the Mastermind had done it, we were all pretty disturbed, even myself, I totally didn't expect that.

Kirumi paused the show.

"Are you okay Kaede? We don't have to continue if you feel bad." she said with worry.

"N-No it's fine, I'm okay, thank you for worrying about me guys! I just... didn't expect that-"

"It's not fine; you went through that horrible execution for nothing. I'm not the type to hold grudges but this Mastermind... they're totally awful and disgusting." said Rantaro, frowning and shaking his head.

"I agree! What kind of freak psychopath does this??" shouted Miu.

"Don't you remember seeing the Mastermind, Rantaro?" asked Angie.

"Ah... about that- I seem to have lost all memories of around 5 minutes before I was killed." the man said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yes, we removed your memories from that time so that you wouldn't reveal the Mastermind to anyone when they wake up!"

Rantaro tch'ed, visibly upset. Kaede put a hand on his shoulder and he turned to face her with a hint of worry on his face.

"Let's start it back up now! I want to see who's the nasty little deranged motherfucker we have to deal with now!~" I said, getting bored of all this mushy stuff.

"God damnit Kokichi, read the mood!" said Kaito.

I let out a giggle as Kirumi sighed and unpaused the show.

They started giving out their alibis during that time. So far, everything was good, until it came to... Shuichi and Tsumugi.

Kaede froze when they heard the others say how Shuichi had mysteriously left the room with Kaede in it.

"But Shuichi didn't have the receiver with him, that's what Kaede said, so it definitely can't be Shuichi!" said Himiko.

The others in the room agreed with this statement, but Kaede was still frozen into place.

"Actually... that was a lie. Kaede was lying about this the whole time... I had the receiver."

I smirked.

I knew that this was a lie, it really sounded suspicious when I first heard it.

They all looked at Shuichi. "Huh? But why did she lie about that?" asked Tsumugi. "I think that's because she wanted me to realize what she was doing." Shuichi said, fiddling with his fingers.

"I'm sorry everyone, for lying." said Kaede.

"Kaede is pretty good at lying, I almost thought it was real, nishishishi!~" I said.

"It's fine Kaede, don't worry about it!" shouted Tenko.

Kaede smiled before turning back to the screen.

"Yeah, that's what she said too, right?" continued Keebo. "Plus, it couldn't be Shuichi, you're probably the less suspicious person in the whole thing!" he finished. "Yeah, Shuichi's been carrying the class trials since the beginning, so he's out of suspicions." declared Maki with a scary face.

"You see! Even Maki thinks the same thing as me!" I shouted.

"Don't get too cocky now, you leech!" said Angie with a passive aggressive tone, a smile plastered on her face.

I smirked before going back to the screen.

"So then, who else could it have been?" asked Keebo. Everyone pondered in silence.

"Actually... Tsumugi, didn't you say you went to the bathroom when all of that happened?" asked Maki.

"Ah! Yes that's correct, b-but just as I reached the door, I bumped into someone. And u-um, that someone was..."

There was a heavy silence. Everyone in the room was staring at the television, anxiously waiting for Tsumugi's words to come out.

"It was Shuichi."

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