Chapter 13 - Mansion

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"You will never get them back!"

This felt like one of their lies again. It wouldn't be surprising really.


My cheek stung and my eye felt swollen. I would surely have a black eye tomorrow.

My entire body screamed in pain. I was barely out of the hospital bed I woke up in yesterday. They told me I would feel this kind of phantom pain for a while, because of the effects of being blown to pieces.

Kaito's punch didn't help.

But I deserved it.

I deserved that punch for all I've done, this was the least they could do to punish a traitor like me.

"What about Shuichi...? Will he have to stay with us too?" asked Himiko.


I felt my heart sink again.

"Yes, yes, but don't worry, he won't bother you!"

"We should lock him up in a room when we get there so that he doesn't kill us in our sleep!" said Angie.

"Yeah! He's completely degenerate, above all other men, and needs to be tied up!"

I lowered my head, feeling the tears start to sting the corners of my eyes. Luckily, my bangs hid my face well.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"You don't have to worry about him! Cameras will be installed all throughout the house to monitor him."

I shivered.

"And umm... we all had families before this, right...?" asked Keebo.

"Yes! Well... most of you. I don't know the exact details per heart, but files about your past identities will be handed out to you in a few days."

"Why are we not moving back in with them then?" asked Korekiyo.


The woman hesitated.

This was extremely suspicious. An hypothesis slowly made its way into my mind.


Was it all that guy's plan?

Is he... doing this so that Kokichi isn't reminded of me? By trapping him into a house like this, he wouldn't go back to his house and possibly discover things about his past life including... myself.

This has to be it, maybe not completely for that single reason, but at least part of it. The woman's answer would confirm my suspicions.

"We're putting you into a house until you're truly ready to move in back with your parents and be on your own. The trauma of the game may have been more serious for some of you, so we prefer to keep you away from your families for your and their safety."


This was exactly what kind of bullshit I thought they would say. I clenched my fists, feeling the rage build up inside of me. Kokichi's father...

He was so focused on ruining my life that he had to do all of this. This is just plain terrible. And he's totally delusional.

But before I completely jump to conclusions, I'll have to investigate a little more. There has to be more.

"Now then; please go back to your occupations and start packing up to leave tomorrow! As for you Shuichi, please come with me; the CEO wants to talk with you."

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