Chapter 16 - Hajime Hinata

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⚠️SDR2 SPOILERS in this chapter⚠️

Also just a little question-

Rantaro x Kaede ?
Miu x Kaede ?

Thank you! :)


I woke up to a loud thump.

It came from outside the house. I slowly stood up and walked to my window, which had a view on the backyard.

I rubbed my tired eyes as my vision slowly cleared itself. Outside, I saw Maki, Miu, Kirumi, Keebo and Gonta.

Miu and Gonta were laughing their asses off and the rest looked either disappointed or panicked (that was Keebo).

Not far away from them, there was the tennis net, scattered on the ground messily. I heard giggles coming from a little further away, one giggle in particular standing out from the others.

"Kokichi why'd you do that?! What if it's broken now?!" shouted Kaito.

"Nahhh, look at it! It's perfectly fine!~" he giggled. Ryoma spoke next. "These nets are extremely solid so they won't rip from just falling from a couple meters."

From what I understood, Kokichi, instead of going through the house to bring the net to the backyard, had instead thrown the thing all the way up from the training room, through the window, where it was stored.

I smirked, slightly amused by all their funny antics. It felt nice to see them having harmless fun like this; inside the game, all the activities we would do felt forced and restrained.

I sighed. It's just a shame I couldn't participate...

I shook my head, trying to keep the negativity out. I had to be happy for them, not feel miserable.

I yawned and sat back at my desk. My back was killing me, after taking a nap in such an uncomfortable position. I reopened my laptop.

"Wow, I slept for a while..."

It was almost 2 PM; I'd slept for almost 6 hours.

I decided I would do some research on the other Danganronpa houses. It was all suspicious, this whole "get better" thing; why would they even put us in a house like this, for the sole reason of trying to make us feel better?

I remember what the man told me. He said he didn't care about our cast and that we ruined it. So why would he do this for us...? It can't be for the sole reason of his little game with me; he wouldn't just spend so much money only for that.

Quickly, I came across a link. It was linked to a social media account.

"Hajime Hinata/Izuru Kamukura, Mastermind of the 52nd killing game."

His account had a large following; it was to be expected of course. I also remembered him from the last season; he was accidentally the Mastermind without even realizing it himself. I remember his reaction to discovering about that alternative identity of his. I can somewhat relate to him in a way.

His social media was mainly floaded with pictures of him and the other members of his cast and even previous casts. From what I could tell, they looked all pretty close to each other.

I took a deep breath and nervously clicked the "Contact" option under his profile.

I also gained an immense following after the last game so I hoped he would see my message through all the fanmail he probably gets.

"Hello Mr. Hinata.

I am Shuichi Saihara, and I was a participant of the 53rd killing game. If possible, could we arrange a meeting? I have a few questions concerning what you may or may not know about Team Danganronpa...

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