Chapter 30 - Ambush

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My eyes widened and immediately, I let out a choked shout out of surprise. The hand pulled me backwards, into the closet situated right besides the staircase.

I tried to wriggle free, clawing at the hand that was holding me, but the grip was strong and the mysterious person refused to let go.

Finally, the door closed and darkness filled my vision. I tried to look back, tried to look at my assaillant, but they were holding me in such a tight grip that I couldn't even move anything.

Then, a bright light flashed in my eyes, making me squint.

And just after, I felt a cold sensation against my neck, as well as the sharpness of the object.

A knife.

"Well well well~, good evening my beloved detective!"

My blood froze.

... Kokichi? Why....

The boy let out a horse giggle. "I see you're feeling a lot better!~ Well, that's good for me, because I can use you better for myself now!"

I felt my eyes widen as the words came flowing out of Kokichi's mouth. I felt a sting in my heart. 'Use me...?'

"Listen here there! Hey~! I know you're watching me over there!"

I was confused for a second, before I noticed from the corner of my eyes a hand, Kokichi's, waving at the camera for a moment, before the returning the knife he had in that hand to my neck. I tensed as the object was pressed against my skin again.

I glanced at the camera. It made a weird buzzing sound, before it shifted slightly to face Kokichi and I completely.

"Perfect!~ Now you better listen because I'm not going to say it more than once..."

I couldn't see Kokichi's face, but I could only assume he was grinning madly. The thought made me shiver.

"It's simple really! Give me back my memories or I hurt your precious little Mastermind in the worst ways possible!~ Two clear choices, isn't that awesome?"

Kokichi laughed again, a giggle filled with malice and bad intent. Panic slowly surged through my brain, mixing with the confusion and sadness I was feeling just a few moments ago.

Why is Kokichi doing this...?

Does he really hate me that much?


I tried to wriggle free, but it only made his grip on my face tighten. I felt his nails dig into my skin and I couldn't help but squint from the discomfort.

That's when a small click was heard, barely audible. But I felt Kokichi shift slightly, having probably heard it too.

That's when a smoke was suddenly released into the room by the camera. I felt my eyes widen and immediately, Kokichi's grip loosened and he let me go.

He bolted towards the door and tried to turn the knob.

But it was locked. I saw his eyes widen from surprise, before immediately reaching down to his pockets and getting out what looked like a bobby pin.

As my brain was still registering what was happening, I felt myself going faint. I put a hand to my nose and mouth as my vision became blurry and I stumbled on my feet. I saw the vague outline of Kokichi still fiddling with the door.

That's when his shape flopped to the floor, going limp. I felt panic overflow my brain, before I felt my eyes being forced shut, the world going dark around me.

[A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger lol]

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