Heres the awaited update!

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Thank you to @ur_anime_fan for the suggestion I took your idea and changed it up a little bit!

The omega was sleeping as the two alphas rocked the pups. One of the pups let's put a giggle and Izuku shifted on the bed. He let out a small yawn. His eyes dilated as he crawled towards the alphas. He purred and nuzzled kiris neck. Kiri chuckles setting his sleeping son in his crib. "Your happy aren't you baby" Izuku nods slightly moving to straddle kiris waist. Katsuki sets the infant in her crib as he moved over to kiss Izukus neck.

Izuku wrapped his legs around Kiris waist and nuzzled his cheek. Kiri rubbed his back with a smile. Izuku giggled and kissed his cheek. "I love you~". "I'm gonna go get us some food okay baby" Izuku cry's out making grabby hands towards the older alpha. "I will be right back okay love". Izuku grips kiris shirt with tears in his eyes.

His mind was running, am I a bad omega? Is he mad at me? Is he going to another omega? The once calm omega was now releasing distress pheromones and crying. The alphas jumped at the sudden mood change. Kiri placed his hand on the omegas shoulder and Izuku cried out pushing his body against the back of the bed. Once the alphas realized it was a panic attack they kneeled in front of the omega not touching him.

"Izuku baby look it's just us, kiri and bakugou". Izuku looks up panicked and jumps into the arms of the alphas. Bakugou begins to scent the distressed omega slightly. Izuku whined and reached for kiri. He immediately moved closer rubbing the omegas back. "Shh it's okay Izuku your safe". Izuku began to calm down laying against Katsuki chest. "Your okay" Izuku sighs slipping quickly back into his headspace.

Kiri sighs and kisses izukus neck softly. "Baby we have a meeting we need to attend, can we send kami and Ocha in?". Izuku nods slightly. The three omegas had bonded and were super close. They were basically mated in a platonic relationship. The door was pushed open and the two omegas immediately jumped on Izuku. They began senting each other. Izuku began to purr and they quickly cuddled together.

The omegas held onto each other there limbs tied together. Izuku nuzzled into kamis neck with a smile. The other omegas leg there instincts take over and began to act protective of the omega. Momo steps into the room and they begin to growl.  The omegas sit up trying to hide the smallest omega.

Momo backs up not trying to upset the omegas. Izuku lets out a distressed whimper at the scents filling the room.  The omegas turn to nurture the omega and hold him. Kami strokes dekus head and pulls the blanket up in his shoulders. "Out" a growl echoes from Ochakos throat.

"I just need to bring something to the kings" she grabs a jacket and leaves shutting the door behind her. Kaminari turned the tv on looking over Izuku. He looked around the room and whimpered. "Food.." Ochako nodded leaving to go make them food. Kaminari grabbed the twins and brought them to lay on the bed. Izuku nuzzled asuka and brought Haru to his chest. He kissed there heads with a purr. Kaminari took haru and cradled him while
Izuku changed and fed asuka. He then handed her to Kami and changed and fed haru.

Haru started crawling around and went out of the open door. Izuku didn't notice for a few minutes. "Wait where haru?!" He says up quickly and began to panic. "Kami the door is open!" They stood up leaving the room to look for the baby.

Kirishimas pov-

I was in the meeting when I heard a small cry. I looked to Katsuki to see if he heard and he looked right back at me. I got up walking to the door and opening to see my son. "Kat what do we do?" He sighed and shook his head looking at our son. "We can't leave and we can't leave him here so we need to take him in". I rocked haru as he cried holding onto me. Kat put his hand out and haru held onto his finger his tony hand barely fitting. "We need something to cover his eyes from the flashes" Kat nods handing me a blanket and hat. I put them on haru and we walked back into the press conference.

The cameras started flashing as we entered. The questions exploded. The door was pushed in and I looked to see my panicking omega with our daughter. He ran to my arms crying. "Harus gone the door was left open and he crawled out I'm so sorry" he was sobbing as I rubbed his back. "Baby harus safe he's right here.." I held haru with one arm as I showed Izuku. He desperately picked haru up and held him closer. He held both our children as we tried to calm him down. The cameras kept flashing and Katsuki growled at them trying to shield our boyfriend and kids.

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