Im hurt but i love you...

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Izukus pov-
I woke up in Kacchan arms, my eyes felt swollen and kinda hurt due to crying. Dawns disappearance shook me. We arrive at the castle and head inside straight to the dining hall.

Mina: oh thank god your okay!

Mina runs over and hugs me. I give her a weak smile and her eyes show her worry.
I see kiri try to explain to her and her hand flys to her mouth. She hugs me tighter.
Mina: oh izu.. I'm so sorry.. that's every omegas worst fear..

I try to shake off the tears that are threatening to spill.
Izu: I uh.. it's fine! I just need to go..

3rd person pov-
Izuku turns walking quickly towards his shared room. He immediately begins to build a nest.
Mina: go! I'm not sure how he's handling this but he needs you!

The two alphas race towards there rooms And the door is locked as they reach it.
Kiri: izu baby you need to let us in..
a whimper echoes out as he slowly open the door.

The alphas rush to embrace the shaking omega. His ears and tail are tucked his face showing tear stains. "I'm so sorry.." kiri: "shh my love.. there's nothing to feel sorry about.. it wants you fault love.."

The alphas comfort the omega, all three laying in the nest. "When was the last time you ate darling?" Katsuki asks his almost sleeping mate. The omega shrugs and Katsuki eyes show his concern.

Omegas who lose a child have been known to fall into a depressive state in which they give up on all basic needs. Kiri immediately summons a maid to get them dinner. She comes back and goes near the nest. Izuku growls protectively and she backs up quickly setting the food down.

"Out!" Katsuki barks his teeth showing a low growl echoing out of the room. The door opens revealing the small purple omega. "Hi.. can I stay with you~ I got scared and you seemed really nice.." the alphas soften looking at each other. "As much as we wish we could help you we can't our omega is in distress.. and he's our main focus..". She growls "leave him! I'm better I need you more!" Izuku let's put a possessive growl as the alphas can feel themselves being drawn to the whimpering omega.

"Izuku cut it out!" Katsuki growls. Izuku backs up growling at the alphas. His ears perk up an alpha sent being released. The alphas scramble back as the omegas eyes glow red, his body radiating power. Izuku stands up destroying the nest then walking out silently.

Kiri shakes his head at the sight. A cloud is hanging over the alphas as they approach the purple omega. They stroke her back bringer her to the bed. It's as if a spell had fallen over them making them forget there omega and replacing him.

With Izuku~
Izuku travels down the hallway growling and glaring at anyone that try's to approach him. His demeanor was threatening and anger radiated form his body.

"What the hell happened?!" The sight of Ochako and Mina brought him back to a stable mind set. He felt his heart shatter. He lost his child then his mates rejected him. He broke down tears streaming over his cheeks. The omegas run to his side.

"I need to stop crying.. it's not good for the baby.." the girls faces fill with shock as they walk with him silently. Izuku bursts telling them the story. There faces twist into anger. They lead him into a room that connected to Ochakos and Idas. No one can enter it without permission of the owner. He's safe from his ex's.

Over the next few months the omegas spend a lot of time in there. Izuku hardly leaves and they often eat dinner in the room. The two alphas broke away form her power after about a month but decided it was best to stay away from the omega. They don't know if Izukus pregnancy. Izuku is depressed but hides it form the world holding on to the only thought of his pups being born. He found out he's having triplets! Everyone was super excited for him. Sero and Ida are going to take place as the pups alphas and they are all gonna raise them together.

Izuku is about 7 1/2 months pregnant and is ready to pop. He's currently laying on his side hands on his stomach as he groans. "Remember just press the button if it gets worse and we will be right up! We're going down to dinner!" He nods and they leave him. His breathing picks up and the remote falls out of his hand. His contractions start but he can't grab it. He sighs frustrated taking deep breathes. He can feel the bed wet so he knows his water broke. He lets out an ear shattering scream. Two alphas walking past the room hear his scream and they run in. Izuku is in the bed panting stomach huge his eyes closed.

"Izu-Izuku your pregnant" he lets out a whimper and they rush to his side. Todoroki climbs behind him sitting him between his legs. "I've already called recovery girl.. Izuku I need you to breathe..". He nods taking deep breaths kiri rubs his back. "So.. who's are they?" Izuku flushes, blushing a deep red. "Yours.." he whispers almost completely silent. Kiri strokes his thigh. "Were so sorry Izuku.. I wish I could go back in time and fix what happened..".

Izuku whimpers pushing into his chest clutching katsukis hand. " I forgive you.." the door opens revealing recovery girl with a bag of medical supplies.

An hour later Izuku is half asleep the alphas laying next to him praising him and cradling the pups. The door opens to reveal 4 shocked people. Ochako growls at the alphas in the bed.

"Why are you here.." katsuki looks up for a second shaking his head then looking down at the sleeping pup. "Izuku needed help.. he was giving birth to OUR pups". The group notices the pups sleeping  and gasp. "He gave birth?! They rush towards his side and kiri lets out a dominate growl. They back up slightly. "Wait so are you all good?" Izuku nods slightly. His eyes still closed as he cuddles into katsukis chest. His breathing slows as he falls asleep. The group talks quietly as Kirishima explains what happened.

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