Coming home

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Izukus pov-
I opened my eyes and everything hurt I wasn't sure where I was everything was dark looking around nothing in sight but a door. Hesitantly I stopped towards it hoping it would lead me out of this mess. I just wanted to be home with my mates.

Slowly I walked forward trying the door it was locked. I pulled on it but nothing moved and now I'm getting frustrated as I pulled harder tears of frustration came to my eyes.

I let out a scream before falling to the floor sobbing into my knees.

"Izuku..." I knew that voice. Lifting my head I saw someone I hadn't seen in years. This can't be real I'm stuck here and now my mind is playing tricks on me.

"You're not real, you died our kingdom died, now let me die in peace". I put my head in my knees giving up. The noise of footsteps forced me to groan and bury my head deeper putting my hands over my heads as tears burned my eyes. "Go away!"

"Izuku my dear son look at me". I shook my head pushing my hands over my ears harder trying to block out the noise. I shook my head over and over "no no you died you all died I died just let me die I don't wanna be here I can't do this anymore please mom just let me die!"

Sobs shook his body as the women held him to her body quietly soothing him as she let him cry. He shook holding his knees as he shook he eventually began to quiet down and looked up at her. "Izuku my love as much as I wish you could stay you need to go back".

"I can't mom". She smiled wiping the tears off his face. "I know izu but they need you they can't control the kingdom without you there they are going crazy, the blond one has begun to lash out at the others around him, the red haired one refuses to speak to anyone and just spends all day alone, the kingdom has begun to fall apart, and worst yet the omega rings have returned to town and they don't even know".

Izuku looked into his mothers us tears flowing down his face. "I've tried I can't move I can't breathe I can't get back in stuck here".

His mother smiled cupping his cheek and wiping the tears off his face she kissed his forehead.

"Close your eyes.. breathe, picture your mates think of those memories and fight Izuku fight, and once it's your time I will be here waiting for you with open arms. I love you so much but this is our goodbye for now".

She squeezed him into a hug as he held her tight and began to think of all of the memories of his mates. When he first met them, when they went on vacation. He was then surrounded in a bright light and he felt the cool air around him begin to warp.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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