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It's been 2 months. Things have been crazy Izukus anxiety has been off the charts and he's constantly getting panic attacks. The alphas have began to worry for there omega and decided they need to get away for awhile.

"Hey baby.." Kiri softly nudged Izuku waking him. "You have to get up.. me and kat are gonna take you out.. our parents will watch the kids okay?". Izuku nodded sleepily yawning and stretching. "Okay kiri" he kissed him softly standing up. He walked to the closet putting on ripped jeans and kats hoodie with a nicer shirt underneath. He started to fix his hair when there was a knock on the door. "Here's your lunch sir". Izuku took the food closing the door.

He doesn't really like to talk anymore. It's rare for him to say anything to anyone but his family. The other omegas have distanced themselves and all three have suffered because of it. Kiri and kat are hoping to help him get back to his normal happy self.

"My love are you ready?" Izuku is sitting on the bed eating and watching a show. He doesn't look away but nods slightly. He reached out and Katsuki comes over picking him up and kissing his neck softly. "Kiris waiting outside". Izuku nods again and they walk to meet there last boyfriend.

Once they reach outside Izuku gasps. Kiri is waiting with three horses. "Yay!!" Izuku runs over to his horse rubbing his nose. "Hey ginger how are you baby~". Kat walks over kissing his neck softly "hey my love let's get on so we can get there before it gets dark". He nods mounting the horse and Kiri fraught over on midnight.

Kat gets on and takes off the other two following him. They ride for hours through the woods before coming to a small clearing. There's a tent with food set up and a small screen. Kiri is the first off his horse as he walks over to help the omega. Izu quickly jumps off the horse running over to the tent with a squeal.

"Thank you loves!" He runs and jumping onto the air mattress giggling. The guys followed him smiles on there faces seeing he was happier. Izuku looked up reaching the alphas crawled onto the bed as he nuzzled into Kats chest pulling Kiri in. The sun starts to set as the three sit cuddled together enjoying the others scents. "Do you wanna start the movie izu?" Izuku nods from his position on kats chest. Kiri puts on the Disney movie list and the first one is Aladdin.

Izuku squeals pulling Kiri to lay next to them As all three cuddle on the bed. Through the movie Kiri and kat kiss izus head or cheek giving him affirmations on how much they love him.

Izuku was quickly falling into omega space as his mind shut off. Katsuki notices this and smirked kissing the omegas head. Izu began to purr and Kiri looked at them from his previous spot of watching the movie.

"Is he-" kat nodded and Kiri laughed stroking his cheek. "Is my handsome omega happy". Izuku smiled burying his cheek into his hand.

"We love you izu" he smiled in response closing his eyes. The alphas didn't try to keep him awake as he hadn't been sleeping enough with the triplets. As the triplets got older then constantly wanted food and Izuku was being pushed to his limits. The alphas tried to help as much as possible but as Izuku was the mom they couldn't do much.

It calmed them to know he was relaxed and getting sleep for once. Kiri kissed his forehead pulling the blanket over him. "Kat.. he's so stressed, and tried, I don't know how to help him". He shrugged kissing his forehead. "I don't know.. it's not good for him, we're constantly hurting him". They both looked towards the sleeping omega.

"Maybe we should-.". "No". Both looked down at the sudden voice. "I'm fine". Kat pulled Izuku into his chest just as they were. All settling. Down a knock. Echoed form the door. "I'll. Get it"   Izuku walked to the door opening it "he-." A large cloud of gas filled the room as the omega fell silent a thud was heard.

The alphas stood quickly trying to find the omega. "Izuku?!"

As the gas cleared up they continued to search for 2 hours with no sign of there missing omega. "Call Shinsou and denki tell them we need soldiers someone's taken our omega and we need to get him back"

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