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Izukus pov-
I woke up in the omega room with denki and Mina the only two omegas I trust in the palace. I hear hushed conversation.
Kiri- were not gonna be able to be with him for 2 months.. maybe longer.. how do we tell him?
Mina- you cant tell him.. he'll freak out and worry the entire time.. I say grab your stuff and leave while he's sleeping.. it will be easier..
I stiffil a whimper. I sit up and look at them they notice me and fall silent.
Bakugou- good morning love!
I begin to think what I heard was a dream. I wag my tail in greeting and head to breakfast. I see some alphas glancing in my direction and I guess the smell of my heat is still pretty strong. After breakfast they start working and everyone seems super busy. I try to talk to my mates but they barely acknowledge me. Everyone in the castle is super busy and I end up alone in my little hide out of my mates office. I begin to build a nest due to my stress out of any losses materials near by. I whimper and bury my head under the blankets. I fall asleep buried under the blankets.
Bakugou pov- it's nearing dinner and I look away from my stacks of paper work towards kiri.
Bakugou- we should go get dinner.. wait.. where's izu?
Kiri shrugs and worry begins to fill his face.
Bakugou- hey don't worry I'm sure he's fine.. maybe he's just in his hideout..
kiri and I quickly walk to the bookshelf and pull the door open. The overwhelming smell of a distressed omega fills the room and a nest is built in the corner of the room.
Kiri- shoot! Izu? Are you in here?
A whimper answers our question and we quickly move towards our distressed mate. He whimpers and jumps onto me. He immediacy pushes his nose into my sent gland.
Bakugou- shhh.. izu what's wrong love?
He pulls kiri into the bottom of his nest.
Kiri- wait did we sent him before we left this morning?
I shake my head upset that we forget that very important detail. Kiri begins to sent Izuku and he begins to calm down.
Bakugou- hey izu~ we need to go get dinner..
he whimpers allowing me and kiri to stand.
Kiri- you go ahead we catch up okay baby?
Izuku nods and begins to walk away and kiri breaks down into my chest.
Izukus pov-
I had left my mates for a second and begin to hear crying. I whimper but continue to the dinning hall. When I arrive in the dinning hall I see the others waiting.
Mina- there you are izu!
I don't say anything.
because they aren't fully mated begin away from them for to long can cause the omega to feel depressed.
Shinsou- you good?
He's half asleep asking this and Izuku shrugs.
Denki- how long where you away form your mates for?
Midoriya- a-all day..
the two omegas put down there forks looking concerned at the omega.
Mina- have you eaten?
I shake my head looking down at my hands. Everyone looks at me.
Sero(beta)- what even I know that's not good..
I whimper as my friends al stare at me. I get up form the table and run towards the dragons. Red-riot picks me up and sets me with the eggs and newly hatched dragons. The dragons cuddle up to me and I pet them trying to calm my nerves.
Kiri pov-
After a while I wipe the tears form my face and we go to the dinning hall anxious to be back with our distressed mate.
Kiri- hello everyone..
They all look at us concerned.
Ochako(delta)- Izuku ran off... we think he's with the dragons.
That's when a loud roar begins to shake the castle.
Bakugou- Izuku! Get the guards!
Everyone sprints into action and see some rouges from Izukus kingdom attacking trying to get Izuku. The dragons are standing on defense to protect there young and Izuku.
Kiri- everyone to there safe rooms now! Generals with me!
We run as our generals and guards run towards the rouges. We run to our Mate and see him sleeping with some of the dragons. We both sigh in relief as we run to help our generals. After we drive the rouges out of our kingdom we go to our sleeping mate.
Bakugou- izu... were gonna go up stairs I don't want you to catch a cold love..
he yawns and I smile at him. He crawls onto me and I pick him up. He puts his nose into my sent gland and I take him upstairs. I set him on the bed and go into the closet to grab him a change of clothes. He whimpers and Bakugou sits next to him allowing him to rest on his chest. I come out of the closet and undress him changing him into my hoodie and a pair of my boxers. I put my arm around his waist and kiss his neck softly.
Kiri- love.. we're gonna mark you..
He holds his neck out in submissions as I bite down on his neck he cry's out and tears flood his eyes. I kiss his neck trying to subdue the pain I caused.
Bakugou- only one more baby..
Bakugou bite down and Izuku squeezed my hand not making any noise. I took in these last few moments because I knew this would be the last time we would be together for who knows how long..
Kirishima- baby.. me and Bakugou have to leave tomorrow.. and we don't know how long we'll be gone for..
He sits up looking at us as he begins to cry.
Izuku- I'm sorry for begin bad please don't leave me! Please!
He begins to release heavy doses of distress pheromones and he begins to panic.
bakugou- Izuku.. we wouldn't be leaving if we had the choice to stay..
he sobs looking down as I pull him into my lap he holds me tighter than normal and I kiss his neck. Bakugou rubs his back as Izuku begins to fall asleep after we release calming pheromones. The other knew to keep away with this much pheromones around there room.

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