Shes alive?!

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Thanks you for all the kind words! I had a lot happen in my life recently, but I'm back now! Go follow my tiktok @arianaa.maee

Izukus pov-
I woke up in my boyfriends arms. It was dark and quiet as I flipped softly putting my face into kiris neck. He groaned and turned towards me I felt him place a kiss on the top of my head and I smiled softly.

"Baby go back to sleep it's not even light out yet". His voice was gruff and I felt a small blush appear on my face. I nodded and pulled him closer. He wrapped his arms around me and our legs intertwined. I started kissing his neck and he groaned. "If you don't stop baby I'm gonna put more pups in you". I blushed but sat up and pushed my hips down into his.

"Hey you two stop trying to fuck it's to early". I giggled and brushed kacchans hair back with my hand. Kiri leaned up and started sucking on my neck making me let out a low moan. They both looked at me lust clear on there faces.

I smirked and pushed my hips down again grinding on kiri as I reached out and grabbed kacchan. They look surprised as is started rubbing up and down. Kacchan let out a deep groan and I smiled happy to know I was providing my alpha with pleasure. "Hey baby do you think you could take both of us in your mouths?".

I shrugged and moved off the bed to the my knees on the floor. They shared a smirk moving over to me.

Time skip-
Don't hate me just wanted to mess with you a bit

We were all sitting in the meeting room discussing battle strategy. I rub my neck annoyed with how sore my throat felt. I gave a small glare at kiri and he chuckled. "Sorry babe.. but next time it's your turn" he whispered in my ear before leaning back and winking. I felt my face become super red and looked down embarrassed.

Kacchan pulled me to his chest with a smile. I leaned into him moving to straddle him. He rubbed my back as I rested my head on his chest. I giggled and I saw a small smile come on his Face. A loud gasp is heard in the room. "He-he's smiling?!" I giggled and the smile dropped from his face.

I poked his cheek "you need to smile more often baby". He frowns and i get up moving to Kiris lap. "Hey no come back here!" I giggle and shake my head "nope not till you be nice to your friends" . He shakes his head and crosses his arms.

I look up at kiri and he smiles. "Well I'll just keep him then". I giggle but someone pulls my arm and pushes me to the ground. I see someone climbing onto kiris lap as tears fill my eyes. Mineta is sitting on kiris lap when everyone finally understands what happened. Growls echo around the room and I see kiri shove him to the ground as kacchan stands up walking slowly towards him. I'm not sure what happened next because kami and Ocha lead me away form the room.

But all I know is we're not allowed to go in that meeting hall for a while because they have to clean it, something about red stains on the carpets and walls. We end up in the omega room where we sit huddled in the corner. I snuggle kami for a. While before standing up. "Alpha"

Kiris pov-

After we beat the shit out of mineta we went back to our room to shower and change before going to find our omega.I was sitting on our bed waiting for bakubae when my watch buzzed alerting me that an unknown alpha had entered the omega room. I growled and stood up "kat we need to go!" He nods running out as we shift and run towards the alpha.

I growl and attack him as I see Katsuki ran in front of the three omegas. I pulled the alpha to his feet holding his arms behind his back. One of my soldiers ran in and took him from me. Kat and I watched the omegas comforting each other before Izuku stood up and ran. We ran after him and he was in the bathroom throwing up.

I rubbed his back, after a while he stopped and kat handed him water and medicine. We lead him back to our room when all three of our babies were brought to us. Haru, asuka, and nova were playing as Deku laid down. I pushed his hair back and kissed the top of his head. "You rest baby we'll take care of the kids". He nodded yawing and cuddling into the pillow.

Kat and I walked away towards our Babies. They were playing with stuffed animals on there stomachs as they can't sit up yet. Haru threw his stuffed animal at asuka and I growled slightly letting him know not to do that.

Asuka started crying so kat picked her up softly rocking her and whispering something. Her eyes started closing so he took her to the crib. I picked nova and haru up walking towards there cribs. "Okay guys it's time to sleep, when we wake up we're gonna go see auntie and uncle". Suddenly a familiar smell filled the room.

I looked towards the door when a small women stood there. Her dark green hair was messy and she looked like she was about to pass out. "Auntie?" Kat was shocked as he ran over to her. She fell into his arms sobbing as he helped her up. "Let's get you to recovery girl! I'll call my mom to help you get cleaned and changed, then we need to talk" the women nodded and smiled at the bed where Izuku laid.

Kat left quickly to help her. I laid next to Izuku and he climbed onto my chest. "Where's kacchan?" I sighed "he was pulled away he will be back later" he nodded and cuddled closer holding onto me.

I smiled and looked around the room. It was quiet and dark outside, as I yawned. I smiled as my eyes closed.

Katsukis pov-

"Recovery girl!" She emerged from the back and gasped as she saw the women leaning against me. "Oh gosh! Put her on the bed" I laid her down and stepped back. "I need to go find my mom I'll be back!".

I rushed down the hall pushing Open the door to the meeting room. All eyes turned to me. "Mom.. dad.." I took a deep breathe "it's Inko she's here, she's alive!".

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