Finding him

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Izukus pov-

When I opened my eyes everything burned. I was in a small cell with no light but from a small lamp in the corner. My arms were locked above my head as I tried to tug on them a sharp pain moved from my shoulder to my wrist. I could feel the dull ache in my head if the mate bond trying to open a link.

I focused trying to open it but it didn't work. Whatever they had injected me with blocked out my wolf side.

3rd person pov

Izukus body was littered in bruises he was dressed in nothing but a large shirt. He hung weakly from the chains and they were the only thing holding him up. Dark circles surrounded his eyes his skin ghostly and bones visible. He had been gone for 3 months at this point.

Everyday his mates tried to mind link him but it never worked. He was beaten and used by his captors.

On the other side his mates were going sick either worry. They had been watching and waiting for any sign of there mate but not once had they gotten anything. They were both losing sleep. The triplets didn't understand where there mother had been taken and they were confused crying everyday for him.

Both alphas refused to speak with anyone unless it had to do with finding Izuku. Now after these tortures months they had finally gotten his location. So that's where they stood a few miles from a bunker where they had been told where there mate was.

Izukus pov-

He entered my cage a smirk on his face holding a bottle and whip in his hand. "Omega look at me" my eyes drifted to his as I knew what was to come. "What is your name"

"Izuku midoriya" a sharp pain echoed across my back as a loud smack echoed around the room. "Wrong what is your Name omega" I looked into his eyes anger flowing through me with all the strength I had left I spit into his eyes. "I am a king, you are nothing".

He raised his hand a familiar remote logged in it. "You never learn". I felt my body moving up as the chains were raised. Pain shot through every fiber of my being. I bit my tongue refusing to let him see me in pain. "I would never bend to your will". He shook his head as I felt the familiar shook of electricity run through my body. Exhaustion soon took over as I felt myself slowly lose feeling and consciousness.

I don't know how long I was out all I felt was pain. My body burned everywhere, I heard the noise of fighting and tried not to allow myself to feel hopeful.

It was months of agonizing pain waiting for my mates and I was not found. There was no way out no way in, I was stuck. My wolf had been nonexistent since the first injection of what I figured out to be silver. I was beginning to worry my wolf would never return.

The noise of the door opening made me panic. But I couldn't move I couldn't open my eyes to face the same capture. I tried to force my eyes open but just like my body my mind was stuck.

"Izuku!" I heard the voice and felt a slight burning sensation in my arm signifying the presence of my mate. Again i willed my eyes to open but they wouldn't. I could feel my body being lowered and picked up the ringing sensation following wherever my mates touched me.

I forced everything I had to open my eyes slightly as I saw the eyes of my red headed mate. I smiled in bliss I was finally out taking a slight breathe my ribs burned as I knew they were broken. Kiri ran I wasn't sure where we were going but I allowed my body to finally relax knowing I was safe in my mates arms.


My body shook with rage as we entered the room where I smelt my mate was. He was hung on a wall his body thin and bruised. His eyes were closed and for a second I thought he was dead. Bakugo and I rushed over as my mate worked on lowering him down I picked his body up cradling him in my arms as I ran my other mate on my trail.

He needed a doctor he was barely breathing and I knew he wouldn't survive without help.

I know this probably isn't the update you have been looking for as it's been two years but I'm working on a longer chapter!

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