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"Would any of you like to take a break before the next viewing?" The voice of the theater asked politely. There was no response from anyone so the theater assumed that was a no.

     The screen flickers to life and a man can be seen running through a forest in the middle of the knight. He had a panicked look on his face and blood was dripping from his ears. Splattered blood could be seen all over his clothes.

      "Well this is off to a great start." Iris says sarcastically.

       The man on screen is a tall indian man with a slender build, he has dark brown hair and eyes. He wears khaki pants, a white t-shirt and blue sneakers. 

      "John! Please help me! John!" A female voice could be heard from a few yards behind him. The man now known as John continued to run in the opposite direction. The screams of the women sounded very muffled to the fleeing man. 

       "John! Don't let it take me!" The voice screams.

       John continued to run away but no matter how far he ran the sounds stayed close behind him.

       The hairs on the back of Clef's neck stood up. Something about the pleading woman's voice sounded off. 

        "John why did you abandon me!" The voice shouts however now large footsteps could be heard from behind John in the same direction as the woman's voice. 

       The footsteps get louder and louder and whatever is chasing John gains on him.

      "Judging by how loud those footsteps are whatever is chasing him must be massive." Dr. Rights deduced.

      John spots a bridge up ahead and runs faster. However instead of running across the bridge he hides under it. 

    John puts his hands over his mouth in hopes of minimizing the amount of noise his heavy breathing makes. He's been running for a while now so his legs and lungs feel like they're on fire. The footsteps keep getting closer to John until they sound as if they are on top of him. Then they stop. 

    The view then slowly shifts to a massive humanoid creature standing on top of the bridge John is hiding under. The monster stands at least 40 ft tall, it's skin is a dark leathery brown color, and instead of a normal head it has two sirens attached to a pole made of flesh. 

     "Damn that thing is massive." Clef wasn't too suprised at the appearance of the monster. When you work at the SCP Foundation you see a lot of strange things.

     "Theater, what is this thing?" Kondraki asked.

     "It's a member of a race of predatory monsters called the Siren Heads. Consider yourself lucky, it doesn't exist in your universe." The theater says ominously.

      "This thing isn't in our universe?" Dr. Rights pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. "I really wish you'd just show us anomalies in our universe."

      "The next viewing will be in your universe." The theater says.

      The creature scanned the area for John but found nothing. The Sirenhead was about to move on and continue the search for its prey, but then the worst thing that could possibly happen to John in this scenario happens. His phone starts ringing. The color in John's face leaves him, he freezes in fear, his eyes go wide, his jaw drops, and a few tears spill out.

      "He's Fucked." Able says bluntly and with no emotion in his voice.

      "He should have put his phone on vibrate." Dr. Rights comments.

      Sirenhead stops in his tracks and looks down. Walks over to the right side of the bridge and reaches over it. It's hand nearly grabs John but the terrified man manages to scoot away. However he ended up moving some stones beneath him making even more noise. Upon hearing this the Sirenhead steps off the side of the bridge and leans down to peer under it. It sees its prey. 

     John quickly gets up and runs away screaming in terror but it's no use. The Sirenhead has found its prey. It runs after John and quickly catches up. Up until this point Sirenhead has only been playing with its food, but now it's time to feast. It lets out an ear shattering screech that ruptures John's ears causing them to bleed and permanently take away John's hearing. On top of that the sound affected his mind too. He momentarily lost feeling and control of his legs causing him to fall to the ground. There's an almost unbearable amount of head pains.

     Some of the viewers cringed at the sound and the sight of John's pain. Luckily for them the sound won't affect them thanks to the power of the theater.

      The Sirenhead reached down and grabbed its prey. It brought John up to one of its sirens where much to John horror a mouth could be seen. The sirens are actually mouths used to consume its prey. Inside the mouth there are plenty of razor sharp teeth perfect for ripping through flesh and grinding bones and along with teeth a very large snake like tongue.

      Sirenhead shoved the screaming John into its mouth and began feasting.

      Abby and Forty covered their eyes as the sound of the man's scream was haunting and the sounds of his bones being crushed and flesh being torn didn't make it any better.

      After chewing for a few more seconds the Sirenhead swallowed its latest victim. With its prey consumed the Sirenhead retreats back to the forest. However Sirenhead's attention was drawn to something of into the distance. It was the smoke of a campfire. More food for the Sirenhead.

      The screen cuts to black.

      "Well that was interesting." Dr. Clef says.

      "Can we watch something less scary next time?" Forty asked the theater.

       "The next Viewing won't be as terrifying. We will be watching or rather going over some of the thing Dr. Bright isn't allowed to do at The Foundation." The theater answers.

        Dr. Bright internally screams.

        "Oh this will be good!" Dr. Clef says with a huge grin.

        Epon looked over at Bright and wondered why the foundation would make a list of things he can't do.

        "I fucking hate that list." Dr. Bright mumbles.

        "You have yourself to blame for its creation." Dr. Rights says bluntly.

AN: Sorry about this short chapter the next one will be longer.

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