Cartoon Cat

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After their break was over the group quickly made their way back to the main theater and took their seats.

"So, what will we be seeing this time?" Dr. Clef questions.

"For this viewing we will not be watching events from your universe. However do not fear we will go back to that. I do this so those of you who are taking notes can give your hands a rest and just enjoy something that isn't from your universe." The theater explains.

The foundation scientists frowned at this. They'd much prefer to focus on things currently happening or going to happen in their universe. But they had to admit, they're slightly thankful, this could serve as an opportunity to relax for once.

The screen flickers to life revealing two boys standing outside an abandoned Mall. The first boy looked to be about 17 years old, he has dark brown hair, tan skin, and dark brown eyes. He wears blue jeans, a red Street fighter shirt, a thin red jacket, and blue Nike sneakers. The second boy looked to be 16 years old, he has blonde hair, slightly pale skin, and green eyes. He wears blue jeans, black Nike sneakers, and a plain white T-shirt. Both boys have a black backpack on their backs.

The foundation researchers groaned in annoyance.

"Is something wrong?" Iris questions.

"Urban explorers." Dr. Rights answers with a frustrated sigh.

"I'm sorry I don't follow. What's wrong with a little urban exploration." Iris asks curiously.

"Urban exploration isn't always bad, but more often than not the explorers go looking for places that are rumoured to be haunted or is home to a monster of some sort. And given our line of work, the foundation has found many urban explorers dead because said rumour was true. This results in the need for a cover up story, amnestic administration to survivors, and containment of said monster. It's just a pain to deal with and most of these deaths could have easily been avoided if they'd just stay away from these areas." Dr. Kondraki explains.

"You ready for this Johnny?" The first boy asked the second who we now know as Johnny.

"Hell yeah." Johnny says with enthusiasm before asking his friend something. "Hey Kyle? Can we make this quick? I kinda tool my dad's gun just in case we run into some crazy people living in the mall and if he finds out I'll be grounded for at least ten years."

The first boy now known as Kyle noded.

"This shouldn't take long. We're just going to snap a few pictures with my Polaroid and look around for a bit before heading. With the pictures we can prove to that dick Jackson that we aren't a bunch of cowards." Kyle explains whilst also thinks bitterly of the school bully that messes with them on a daily basis.

The boys enter the mall via the back busted open doors. Upon entering the first things the two noticed are how difficult it is to breath due to dust in the air and how dark it was. To counter the dark they pull out flashlights and as for the breathing problem they simply powered through it. The air wasn't fresh but it also wasn't unbreathable. They walk through the mall looking for any signs of something spooky but nothing out of the ordinary shows up. Kyle pulls out his Polaroid camera and snaps a few pics of old machines and empty gift shops. Whilst looking around Johnny spots something that catches his interest.

"Hey Kyle, over here." Johnny says as he pushes open a door to an old arcade.

Kyle was distracted with something else. He couldn't shake the feeling of being watched and he could've sworn he saw a shadow out of the corner of his eyes.

"Hey! Earth to Kyle! You there?!" Johnny says a bit loudly snapping Kyle out of his thoughts.

"Huh? Oh yeah sorry. Let's check it out." Kyle says shaking away his nervousness.

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