SCP-000 "NULL"

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Disclaimer: SCP-000 "NULL" does nor belong to me, the character be longs to Rejize000. If you have any questions regarding SCP-000 talk to them.

   After a good night's rest everyone regathered in the theater for the next viewing.

     The screen flickers to life to show a group of soldiers moving throughout what looks like an abandoned city. This wasn't any ordinary city, it looked technologically advanced, like a city straight out of a science fiction film. The soldiers don't belong to any government military, their dark blue and black uniforms held the emblem of the Global Occult Coalition. 

     "The GOC? Does this take place in our reality?" Dr. Clef asked.

     "No. It is similar to yours in many ways but there are differences." The theater answers.

     "Different how?" Lilith asked mostly out of curiosity.

      "There are individuals in this reality that don't exist in yours." The theater says. "Events also happen here that have never happened in your reality."

      Carefully they walked down the empty streets of the city but came to a halt when the sounds of a crying girl was heard. They turned the direction of the sound and found a little girl down in a fetal position next to a car crying.

    One of the soldiers walked up to the child to help her. "Hey kid. You alright?"

    The child looked up at the soldiers with tears in her eyes. But she was no normal child, she is anomalous. She has purple skin, three yellow eyes, black hair, and wears dark blue pajamas. Her appearance immediately set off the GOC soldiers.

     "Oh shit." Dr. Clef says.

     "What is she? Is she an alien?" Iris asked. It would be the strangest thing she'd heard or seen.

     "It doesn't matter. If this GOC is anything like our GOC then that kid is as good as dead." Dr. Clef answers.

      "Why? She looks like she's just a kid." Iris asked.

      "The GOC has a strong hatred for the anomalous. For them it's kill on sight anytime they encounter one." Dr. Clef answers. "I should know I was once one of them."

    "Shit! She's an anomaly, kill her!" One of the soldiers shouts as they all aim their guns at her.

    "No! Wait, please!" The girl shouts in terror but the GOC is merciless and they open fire on the child. But the bullets only ended up hitting the ground because the child had mysteriously vanished without a trace.

   "What the hell?! Where'd she go?!" One of the soldiers asked.

    The view shifts to the top of a building next to where the GOC tried to shoot the child. Standing on top of it is a young man who stares emotionless at the soldiers down below who are around for the child. In his arms he holds said child who is shaking in terror after nearly being shot. She looks up at the young man who saved her in confusion, she was sure she was done for but now she is being held by a stranger. 

    He has long dark hair, glowing blue eyes, and he wears a black formal suit with a dark blue cloak with a dragon wing design on his back. He was also armed with a long katana sheathed to his back.

     The stranger moved away from the edge of the building just in case the soldiers looked up and spotted them. After moving away from the edge he lets go of the girl letting her stand on her own two feet.

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