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    After a short lunch break the SCPs and the Foundation  researchers took their seats as the big screen came to life.

        The view zoomed into a warehouse just outside New Orleans where Alexis, Nicole, Sam, and a few squads of CIA and FBI agents were preparing  to take on the Insurgents. One of the agents walked up to the vampire siblings to address them. He's tall, has dark blonde hair, blue eyes and appears to be in his late thirties. He wears a black suit with a black bulletproof vest and from the look of the scar running down his left cheek, he'd seen action before.

      Iris' eyes grew wide at the sight of the man. "D-Dad?" She barely  managed to get out. It had been nearly four years since she'd  seen his face. She was taken from her family  at the age of fifteen by the Foundation. After she was nearly convicted  of a crime she didn't  commit, she was forced to reveal her anomalous abilities and then was taken by the foundation. 

      "That's your father?" Dr. Rights questions  with a frown. From what she understood, the Foundation had told Iris' parents that Iris was deemed insane and sent to an asylum where a fellow patient attempted to escape, killing Iris on their way out. Of course this was a lie but seeing as how her Father is well aware of the anomalous is it possible he knew all along that his Daughter had anomalous abilities? This was something they needed to look into.

      Iris for her part was stunned she didn't  know how to react. She knew her father was a CIA agent but she didn't know that he dealt with anomalies. She wondered if he knew where she was. If he does then why hasn't  he at least tried to help her?

     "Hello Agent Thompson." Nicole greets. "Are we ready to move out?"

      "We will soon but according to our superiors some back up is coming." Agent Thompson says.

    "Who? I thought we have everyone we need right here?" Sam asked.

    "I don't know who they are, no one would tell me. I was on the phone with one of my superiors and they sounded nervous." Agent Thompson answered. 

     Sam was about to ask another question when the doors of the warehouse opened and multiple SCP Foundation agents walked in. Agent Thompson's eyes went wide and clenched his fist in anger, an act that didn't go unnoticed by the vampiric siblings.

      Dr. Rights made a quick mental note to have someone keep an eye on Agent Thompson. From what she could tell Agent Thompson is likely aware of what's really happened to his daughter and may be holding a grudge. That kind of anger and desperation may lead to him making some rather stupid decisions.

     The vampiric siblings felt something was definitely off about these men. They'd never seen them before and they seem to have the CIA and FBI agent on edge and that was certainly no easy task. 

    "Sam, Nicole, I've got the three of us telepathically linked don't make any move that shows we are communicating like this." Alexis says telepathically.

     The foundation agents were both impressed and slightly nervous. On one hand those abilities could be very useful to the Foundation. On the other it also meant they could scheme with each other and the Foundation would be none the wiser. The Foundation may be able to intercept their telepathic signal depending on how strong their telepathy is.

      "So what do you make of these guys?" Sam asked.

     "I've never seen them before but Agent Thompson seems to be a little rattled up by their arrival." Nicole says.

    It hadn't gone unnoticed by the siblings that most of the Foundation agents were staring at them and holding a very tight grip on their guns despite the fact that there are no hostiles in the room. 

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